Liam Celrah



6 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Liiami, Li-Li, Lilia

Age, birthday and zodiac

24 / 28.6.2281




Male (trans)


Makeup artist



Relationship status



Divorced parents and a little brother Dylan. He hasn't stayed in contact with his family in a long time though.

Physical description

163 cm/5'4'' tall chubby man. Liam has short dark brown hair which he straightens occasionally (his natural hair texture is wavy). He has a light, yet not too pale skin with freckles along with green eyes. Liam also has a few piercings (septum, labret, two piercings on both of his earlobes, one industrial piercing on his left ear, two helix piercings on his right ear) and tattoos (on his thigh and arm, need to be designed).





At a first glance Liam comes off as a cynical and cold person. He doesn’t seem to be interested in almost anything and isn’t very chatty or talkative. On top of that, he also seems to be grumpy most of the time as his responses tend to be short, sharp and angry, and he has a tendency to lose his nerves over small things. Overall he doesn’t seem to get along with people as he tends to judge others very quickly due to his trust issues and isn’t afraid to say what he think.
Liam is not only grumpy and cynical, but also rather pessimistic. He tends to only see the worst outcomes to different situations and overall has a rather pessimistic outlook on life. He tends to focus on the negative factors in his life, forgetting to treasure all the positive things in his life. This pessimistic side of his isn’t hard to see as Liam has a tendency to complain about many different things.

Liam may come off as an egotistical guy as well. Due to his short-tempered nature, he tends to react to criticism and negative comments about him aggressively. He may yell or throw insults back at the person making those comments, making him seem like he thinks he’s better than them or perfect. Liam also hates to be told what to do and to be pushed around and he also reacts to this aggressively. Overall he seems to be rather arrogant and sensitive about himself.
This isn’t true though. In fact, Liam is actually very insecure about himself. Criticism and mean comments tend to actually hurt him which he turns into aggression. Overall Liam isn’t very good at dealing with emotions, problems and insecurities in a healthy way and often turns these negative emotions instead of talking about them. He also bottles up his negative emotions sometimes, resulting in the same kind of aggression.

Liam leans more towards the introverted side, as he can get really exhausted in large groups of people - or just being with people in general - and just prefers to be alone. Sometimes Liam tends to isolate himself from others by his own will. He doesn't like people or their company in general and usually spends his time alone, somewhere quiet with his own thoughts. Liam is also a bit shy and warms up to new people slowly.

Despite his grumpy and seemingly arrogant personality, Liam is still a trustworthy and honest guy. He always keeps his promises and speaks the truth, even though it may not always be the most pleasant choice. If he has been given a job to do or if he has promised to do something, he will do the job precisely and well - although he may still complain - as he hates to leave things unfinished. He’s also quite the perfectionist which feeds his need to complete his tasks precisely.
Liam is a very ambitious person. He never was the ideal successful kid people would like to have, so he has developed these ambitions to become something great. He overall wants to succeed in whatever he does and failing just isn't acceptable for him. If he does fail though, he becomes really upset and probably won't try again ever again: he wants to succeed on his first try.

The soft side of Liam isn't very visible, but it is still there. He’s still a very loyal and caring guy towards the people he cares about. He has trouble expressing softer emotions and he isn't very good at showing affection either. Smiling and laughing are something that he rarely does, but with just the right company and people who he has learned to trust, this hard shell created by tough life can be broken and Liam's more caring and relaxed nature can be brought out. He still keeps his a bit sarcastic nature though, but the difference is still very clear.


  • The color black and other dark colors, like dark red and purple
  • Makeup, fashion, jewelry...
  • Music, metal being his favorite genre
  • Cats
  • Quiet and peaceful places
  • Doodling
  • Coffee
  • Overly romantic and sappy movies
  • Small children
  • Alcohol
  • Doing eyeliner (even though he always does it-)
  • Hot weather
  • When people touch him (with few exceptions)