
1 year, 7 months ago


Gribble is a mute, gentle giant with a big heart. Before humanity fell apart, he worked as a construction robot and met his group of friends. Being particularly close to Melody. (Although it’s important to note that he never felt any romantic feelings towards her.)

One day humans discovered him and Woodstock, who managed to escape and left Gribble to be captured. Upon capture he was sold into the robot fighting ring business to a very rich and powerful human. He was forced to fight despite it being against his nature, and Gribble proved to be one of the strongest fighters(much to his dismay.) at some point he attempts to escape thanks to the help of 2 robots, Gunther and E43 but this attempt goes horribly wrong as they’re caught by their master and forced to fight against one another. Gribble refuses which eventually leads to Master developing a remote that would control Gribble. 

This remote would erase his memories. As he’s plugged into a machine Gribble can feel his mind slipping, he reminisces on his time with Melody, Woodstocks betrayal, the innocent Gunther and E43. He thinks about what Melody would think of him now as the monster he’s forced to become and desperately reaches out for her comfort, her words being the last he hears before his mind is completely wiped.

Now Controlled, Gribble successfully kills Gunther and E43 and fights effortlessly inside the ring, earning his master money in the process. Melody returns to save him except he doesn’t recognize her, as she pleads with him he tries to kill her- while Woodstock discovers there’s a way to make him remember.