Miren (Profile)



Miren_Banner.pngName: Miren
Website ( if they have one ): N/a
Undernet ( or other social media ):
Age: 20
Date of Birth: March 2nd
Zodiac: Pisces
Race: Skeleton Monster, albino peacock.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: TBDTitles: The White Dove.
Affiliations: N/a
Occupation: Reformer

Appearance: Miren is a petite skeleton with pure white feathered wings and tail as well as decorative plumage on her forehead.
Appeared Age: N/a
Height: 4'8
Weight: 30lbs
Eye Color: Teal

Fashion: Miren style only really varies in colour but clothing wise she mostly sticks to dress, often shorter one, and lace or sheer tops, jackets and leggings to cover her arms and legs. The shirts and dress often have an open back to accommodate for her wings. If she does wear shoes they usually have a raised base and a slight heel making her seem taller then she actually is.

Abnormalities (If any): I am not sure if her wings count to this but her wings and tail are often quite obvious as well as the gem and plumage on her forehead.

Tattoos (If any): Counting her markings as tattoos, Miren has a series of dots that ark over her sockets as well as wing like markings under them. 

Personality: Her personality is a little closed of at first, finding it hard to trust people she had just met but once you have earned that trust Miren is a bubbly, sweet and curious little character. 

Brief Biography: Before he time in Angel City, Miren was a prized possession of a collector, a caged bird.

Friends: Myna. (More to be added)
Family: N/a
Enemies: The Collector.