campbell's Comments

Ahh the diabolical mastermind ( i think?? ) , i love too much that type and you nailed your character. I found his son very intriguing too :Oc.

I've already been here once before to fave this man and sub to you, but I never left a comment about it.

Reading Campell's bio got me very interested in your story and the way you tie all your characters together is really piquing my interest, but especially I want to know all about this twisted, twisted man.

He's got one of my all time favorite set of combined tropes and I sure do love me a dirty business man just doing dirty business. Cult antics is just icing for me.

Count me part of his simp army once you get things published, haha

I really like Campbell's concept!! He's super interesting and enjoyable to read about! The way you write is nice and engaging, which is great (especially for my adhd)! I also like how you tie in/link characters related to him/his story! I didn't hesitate to click around and read about your other characters because of it!

(Sorry if this writing is scattered! I'm not used to commenting on other people character's ;w;)

Okay, so it's coming clear that you just REALLY have a knack for character writing. I feel like this character has SO much potential, with the type of attitude he has, his strange morality, and his general demeanor as someone who is very involved with unethical science but is actually more of a leader and business man. I'd LOVE to see more and find out how his actions affect the story.

Such a terrifying man lost in his obsessions of a goal of re-engineering humanity to what he perceived as "perfect" and "flawless"

Love the concept and the bio!! Definitely invoke fear and a large sense of authority with mystery surrounding this character and you did a great job at it!

I appreciate the smaller details, would never guessed he care about bunnies and is actually against animal experimentation despite conducting inhumane tests.

Even from the pictures he gives off the most 70's cult leader vibes 0-0 also the fact that his morals are twisted, it almost seems as if he sometimes does not know what he wants, so he actively tries to control everything around him! I love me some internal and external conflict, especially with evil typed characters!! JABDJB

dilf energy

He is so freaking cool. Love his character trope too. This bio is so descriptive, I could almost imagine what it’d be like to encounter or interact with him. I feel like I’d be overwhelmed lol

OHMY GOD THANK YOUUUUU I put so much work into him that means the world to me😭😭

No prob! I can tell there’s a lotta work behind him. I’m definitely interested in finding out more of his lore!

OLD MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! aah i love seeing older characters!! and abt the comment below,, i am in in the army
all jokes aside i REALLY like this character and he looks very well written to me!

This dude is going to have a simp army when Outcasts is published, gahddamn 😳

I volunteer to be part of the army🛐🛐

OMGOMGCAMPBELL how am i supposed to comment on him when hes so fucking fine

SERIOUSLY THOUGH AAHJGR I TOTALLY ADORE CAMPBELL it has always been really hard to pick one favourite outcasts character but campies definitely somewhere up there YOUVE DONE SUCH A GREAT JOB WRITING HIM WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN

the way hes not just an apathetic evil cult leader??? like he has morals (pretty quetionable ones but shh) and he cares about rabbits?? and his son??? the fact that hes not an abusive shit dad like the usual stereotype for villains that doesnt give two fucks about his child is just so?? refreshing?? although they grew apart because of work it's the sweetest thing knowing that campbell genuinely cares about allie :((


also its not a cuIt, it's an establishment 😡😡

First of all, we love to see an older character! I absolutely adore Campbell's vibe, he seems like he's just my kind of lawful evil. One thing I really appreciate is the way he checks many of the boxes of your classic sociopath, but the way he's written dispels the notion he's incapable of caring for another person (or creature, given the rabbits haha), or experiencing empathy, at least on a logical if not an emotional level. I do on occasion experience low levels of empathy myself and I think a lot of people miss the mark there, but I'd say Campbell passes with flying colors. 

The merger of business and cult activity is a strong concept with a lot of potential, too. The hints towards vulnerability, not being all-knowing or all-powerful despite how he may seem to subordinates, are super compelling despite their subtlety and round him out as exactly the kind of character who'd have my attention whenever he's on-screen. 

no way thank you so much for this,, you have no idea how much that means to me cause I spent a lot of time developing him THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TAKING THE TIME TO READ IT<3333