Sam (Samantha) Hale



6 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info





Personality in short

Pure joy, optimist, emotional, stubborn and confident


Quick thing about outfits/ designs 

  • casual outfit when she still was in our Earth universe -> Everything like t-shirts, sweaters, there's a lot she can wear, experiment, I don't mind, she can rock both suit and a skirt 
  • after being sent to kind of fantasy universe -> the green outfit from references, fantasy like


  • 168 cm (5,51 ft) tall 
  • Medium weight (60 kg/ 132 Ibs)
  • Light skin
  • Light blond hair but mixed with brownish

  • You can even change her hairstyle, she longish hair that can be loose, tide up in a high or low ponytail, I don't mind 


  • Extrovert
  • Absolute optimist who can see a spark of hope in every situation. Hard to discourage her or let her down
  • Pretty emotional. But can hide it. She'll act cool but then come back home and cry for whole night 
  • Stubborn as a mule, never, NEVER gives up
  • Can seem a bit childish and not aware of things vut it's not like that. She has some serious things to worry about but she doesn't even talk about it cause she thinks worrying is useless. Just like that. 
  • You  probably won't ever hear her complaining about anything for the same reason.



  • singing
  • dancing
  • teen drama - books and films
  • romance and adventure films/ books
  • animals
  • warm temperature 
  • summer
  • ice cream, shakes, lemonade
  • getting fancy clothes and outfits xd
  • sports
  • social events


  • being alone
  • winter, cold
  • all her past friends (hunting her xd)

  • Has a cat (breed) named Cookie 
  • Lives in a big house in the most rich part of the city. Her parents are owners of a pretty successful law company. 
  • She is kinda 'the rich kid'. She even had a pony when she was little and attended private school at first c: but never was really fond of that fact. 
  • Her parents don't pay any attention to the child so she's pretty lonely. That's why she can spend  a whole week at Charlie's place and Rose (Charlie's foster mother) is more of her mother than her own
Some backstory:

Even though I can't say to much so as not to spoil a comic which she is a second main haracter in! Surprise! xd