


6 years, 3 months ago


Golden Seas

This vullora absolutely adores the water. They'll flock to it no matter the size, whether it be a puddle or the ocean. Spots of their fur have an iridescent sheen, and their entire coat appears to be waterproof. Their tail emits the smell of a fresh ocean breeze.


barb horns (c), blank eyes (r), small ears (uc), whiskers mutation (r)

Vullora are the brain children of Haunted



The vullora are a fey-like species that can be found in magic-rich places. They prefer locations with high elevations such as treetops, cliffs, and mountains; while they tend to avoid human contact, some have been found nesting on tall buildings. They are usually pollinators but have been known to also eat insects and other small animals. Although they are often drawn to magic, flowers will also attract vullora. They live in familial groups called colonies, though it isn't unheard of to find one living alone.

Vullora range from the size of a fennec fox to a gray wolf, depending on its location and genetics. Each bears a crown of horns sprouting from theirs brows and a bio-luminescent tail akin to a firefly's. Their bulbous tail emits a scent that is unique to that certain vullora; most scents are flower-y and nature-y—like lavender or autumn leaves—but vullora that hang around humans sometimes pick up more industrial scents—leather, coffee, and the like. The coloration of their coats knows no limits, though they often sport earthy and natural hues.

The mouth of a vullora is quite a curious thing, as their tongue is vibrant and glows the same color as their tails. Forked like that of a Gila monster, a vullora's tongue is made for lapping the nectar from within a flower. Their teeth are similar to a canine's, except their fangs tend to be smaller than their more ferocious compatriots.



1. Upon purchase, you are free to create whatever lore you desire for your vullora. Its name, age, gender, backstory, etc... are all up to you!

2. Trading and selling of vullora is allowed, but please let me know so I can keep track of who has who.

3. Please do not resell them for more than you purchased them for unless they have extra art, and if you purchased one with FC, please only sell them for FC or an equivalent (such as FR treasure).

4. Feel free to make or commission more art for your vullora. (I'd love to see it, too!)

5. A paintie version can be provided upon request.

6. Credit me for the art is you post it somewhere else!

7. I will do holds for 24 hours!