Chanel's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

$19 USD

Obtained via trade ($0) + Barafrog chibi comm ($19)

mumusmarket Global Rules
  • You are purchasing on a personal license
    • This means I still have full rights to all of the artwork
      • Modifying my original artwork is not allowed
    • Commercial rights are not included in base adopt pricing.
    • If you would like to purchase full commercial rights, please contact me
  • Do not sell for more than purchased for.
    • Giveaways, freebies, and trades are valued at $0
    • You may add commissioned artwork only to the value when reselling.
      • You must attain permission from all artists to add to the value when reselling.
    • Personal artwork cannot be added to the value of the design when reselling.
  • Please do not claim that the design was created by you.
    • If redesigning fully, you may list me as the original creator but you as the designer.
  • Reusing the design for a species is alright but must adhere the species rules!