🥩 ✦ Vex ✦ 🥩's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

R0TTMAWZ Global Rules

• DO NOT REMOVE my designs from TH and DO NOT HIDE them from me - do not sell them outside toyhouse or at least keep them on your profile marked as sold outside.
• Don't sell my designs to people from my blacklist - you will be blacklisted too. People from my blacklist can't own my designs.
• Don't sell OC's for higher price than you bought them, unless they have extra arts.

• Antoszowa [drawing incest porn, pedophilia, rape and necrophilia]
• Volpe/Volpek/VolpeSucks [drawing pedophilia]
• Mavarle [drawing and supporting feral porn]
• eldritchCanine [bidding on my ych auction and refusing to pay]