


6 years, 3 months ago



Avriel is one of seven Seraphim. He is the Angel of Lucidity, the force inhabiting the souls of the newly liberated Earth mongrels that provides clarity of mind in times of tribulation. In order for the mind and heart to coexist and experience newfound positive and negative stimuli, lucidity serves as a bridge between emotion and soul. It protects the mind from acting purely on instinct.

Because lucidity brings clarity and mindfulness in times of overwhelming passion, it is seen as a “good” force, despite being neutral. It does not always lead to morally correct decisions, but aids in the right of free will & the ability for beings to think for themselves.

Other Heavenhounds, such as Dominions and Archangels, regulate the balance of lucidity (among multitudes of other forces) and deliver it to those who cannot find it themselves to prevent tragedies. However, Avriel is responsible for the founding of it, and he delivered lucidity to the newly freed earth mongrels.


Avriel is calm and cool; his embrace is warm but oddly intimidating. He values logic and order, but to a fault. While understanding and comforting, he has not experienced suffering the way many earth-born beings do. 

His sympathy is great, but his ability to feel the same as others through empathy is lacking. He is highly respected, but the friend you’d go to for answers, good answers, not for feelings. Because of this, Avriel is most popular with born Heavenhounds, as he can be impatient with most passionate beings who do not listen to “reason”. Though he values the balance of positivity and negativity, he is saddened by things such as grief and depression which lucidity and reason are relatively powerless compared to healing and time.  

He is envious of the Angel of Empathy for their popularity among earth-born beings.

Because of his more logical thinking and clarity, he is very wise and direct. He reaches out to those who are lost and suffering, and is very practiced in delivering thoughtful honest answers. Brutal honesty is not tolerated by Avriel.
He is very merciful and forgiving; his words are genuine and soft. His voice is feminine and pleasant to the ears, and his singing is beautifully trained from the centuries of worshipping God. 

He has multiple piercings, but his most prominent piece of jewelry is his septum ring that attaches by silver beads to the rims of his ears. He is tall and beautiful, and rarely changes his pelt. He has freckle-like spots on his muzzle to reflect the stars.

When one’s mind is lost at the mercy of pain, anger, jealousy, and even narcisissm, Avriel promises to keep your soul safe.