Animal Bases (F2U)'s Comments

I love the amounts of uncommon species there are in here!

I  would love to see bats (vampire bats, rafinesque’s big-eared bats ),  some frogs (african  bullfrogs, pacman frogs, tomato frogs, american  bullfrogs, chinese edible frogs aka. hoplobatrachus rugulosus,  vietnamese mossy frogs and glass frogs), chinchilla, armadillo, pink  fairy armadillos, porcupines ( african, north american, brazilian  prehensile tail and paraguaian hairy dwarf porcupines), moles ( naked  mole rats, starnosed moles and common moles), more birds (kakapos,  quaker parrots, shoebills), uncommon mythical animals (cocatrices,  basilisks, drakes, whyverns, tasselwurm)

Like there is a lot of uncommon animals that I would love to see, a bit too many to list to be completely honest ^^;

Used! Your bases are amazing, and it's refreshing seeing animals that aren't that popular ^^

Ooh, that's such a gorgeous thylacine design! Thank you, I really appreciate it! 

I always enjoy making bases for uncommonly seen species! They all deserve more love!

Love these bases! So many unique species! For avians I’d love to see waterfowl if you’re looking to expand the bird bases!

Especially would love to see ducks, geese and swans!

Thank you! I'm glad you like them!

Yeah I'd definitely love to do those someday! Are there any specific species you'd like to see? I know I'd definitely like to do a muscovy base!

Not anything specific comes to mind for me, its not common to find waterfowl bases in general so I feel a generic duck, swan or goose base would be helpful for those with characters of those species this includes me with a duck character in the works 😅

Okay, yeah I'll try to do them some time!

Hi! I'm just letting you know I did some duck bases, I hope you like them!

They look lovely! Great job 😎👍

Thank you! I'm glad you like them!

Thank you very much for the f2u base, it's very good, I didn't expect to find a cassowary (and see in the update there is a plan for tree kangaroos)

No problem! I'm glad you like it!

Yes, I'd love to make a tree kangaroo base one day!

Hey where are the bases? ^^

Hi! They're found under the tabs on the side! Sorry, I should have mentioned that in there

Feel free to delete if don't want any comments here but I am curious, by any chance do you take requests or willing to do commissions for linearts? :3

Yes, I'm open to base requests! I forgot to include that here

 What kinds of bases are you wanting to see?

Eee that is exciting!! I am not against offering any sort of payment/tip as thanks if they do get made btw, but no pressure. I understand. 

So this might seem odd or coming out of left-field but I blame a friend who has me hooked on focusing on farm-life like animals. So Cattle (cows and bulls, whatever species of those you fancy), Sheep, Goats, Chickens, and if you really want my current obsession - fishies ! So betta, platy, goldfish are some starters. XD

Ooh, yeah those will be fun! I needed to make some farm animal bases for my own use anyway too, this will give me a good excuse to start working on those characters designs!

And fish will be great too, I need to practice drawing them more!

It's definitely not odd too, these animals are all awesome!

Would you like me to respond to this comment again when I do make one eventually as well?

Oh woo, that's even better. I won't object if you decide put up some designs/adopts for sale on any of them too. ^_^

Fish are so darn much fun to draw!! No idea why but I'm having loads of fun but different poses is hard sometimes. Your style is adorable so I look forward to seeing your take on them. <3

That's sweet of you to ask, thank you but not necessary. I'm watching you in this account too ;) so If you upload it public it will go in my notifs. OwO

Yeah, I don't know why I haven't drawn them more! 

Thank you, I really appreciate it! I'll try to work on one of them soon!

Hi, I started on some goat bases and was wondering if there is any specific species/breeds you'd like to see bases of? I've nearly finished the british alpine and started doing a boer and an anglo-nubian, maybe I should do a long-haired goat too actually 

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