Millie Moth



1 year, 7 months ago


Millie Moth

❝oh hello there!, ive never seen you before!, are you a new friend?❞

Profile Picture

Basic Info

Age: 12

Gender: female

Pronouns: she/her

Orientation: shes a child- idk

Birthday: November 14th

Occupation: toon / NA

Personality: a kind, optimistic and friendly toon with no sence of danger

code by Eminol


  • making friends
  • listening to music
  • napping in weird places


  • being woken up from a nap
  • TBA
  • TBA


  • A bendy and the ink machine/batim oc
  • species is a moth toon
  • height is 4'3, weight is 80lbs

more information:

a toon without the soul of a worker millie somehow came out without any imperfections, millie is a heavily oblivious toon whos lac of a sense of danger has sometimes caused her trouble, dispite the size of her wings compaired to her body she has some trouble flying so is unable to do it for long periouds of time

to be edited


during the early attempts by Wilson to create something to overthrow the ink demon, before shipsahoy Dudley & Crackle, his first attempt was a tiny moth toon named Millie, he attempted to create something without a soul as he had not found a suitable one yet, however with some luck Millie came out a perfect toon,

for awhile millie lived with wilson, staying in ha laborotory in order to keep her hidden from others while he studided his creation, being alone with him millie viewed the old man as her farther, refering to him as "papa wilson" , things seemed good at first...

but unlucky for Wilsons plan, Millie didn't quite come out as he'd hoped for,with her kind and sweet personality he discovered the small toon she wouldn't hurt a fly nor would she stand a chance against the demon she was created to defeat, and being as oblivious as she was she was of no use to Wilson, so he simply disposed of her by dropping her in the middle of the studio where she began to explore, dispite abandoning her wilson often keeps an eye on his creation in case she discovers something that may be of use to him

this is only the base story and will be fleshed out and edited


Friend's Profile Picture

Specific Relationship Type: Friend / sibling type relationship

Description: both being young children these two often spend time together having fun and playing or talking, perix is one of millies favorite people to spend time with, thinking of him as her brother

Specific Relationship Type: friend / caretaker

Description: as the attendent to perix minx is rather happy millie is able to cheer perix up and that they enjoy each others company, he will help look after the young toon as well;

Partner's Profile Picture
Friend's Profile Picture

Specific Relationship Type: TBA

Description: TBA


Friend's Profile Picture

Specific Relationship Type:  TBA


Specific Relationship Type:TBA

Description: TBA

Partner's Profile Picture
Friend's Profile Picture

Specific Relationship Type:TBA
