
1 year, 10 months ago



Rosepool is a Medium fluffy she-cat, with redish brown fur, roselts shaped patterns on her fur, white on her tummy chin and tail and scars on her body.

She has an adopted kit called Amberkit, and has three passed away kits Solarkit, Dapplekit and Scorchkit.


Rosepool was born with her two younger siblings Blossomkit and Lavanderkit, but they both sadly passed away due to being too weak at the time of birth. During her childhood, it was full of wonder exploring the dens and making friends with the other cats in the clan, but things started turning for the worst after her mother passed away due to greencough. Her father a noble warrior was spending less and less time with Rosepool, he wasn't even there for her apprentice ceremony which to her was a big deal. Despite that though when he was around they had so much fun, and she loves her father dearly, her favourite thing to do with him was catch fireflies at night when he could take her out on nightly patrols for training (with her mentor's permission of cause). But after a fox attacked the nursery he was no longer around, giving up his life protecting the queens and kits of the nursery chasing the fox away.

Rosepools friends started to disappear aswell. Her best friend Moonpaw had become a rouge after a framed killing of his brother Brokenpaw, while Specklepaw went on to be friends with some other cats in the clan. Rosepool started to feel isolated from everyone in her clan she felt no one truly wanted to be around her, the leader didn't help make things better as he wasn't a kind cat at all. Perchstar was an evil bully.. Rosepool still has a small group of friends though not in her one clan, Ravenpaw a young black she-cat from mossclan and Tornpaw a mute tom.

Moons went by and Rosepool was nearing her Warriors ceremony, it was winter time and she was sent out alone to hunt before nightfall during her hunter she found Ravenheart. She was 9 months pregnant about ready to give birth.. Rosepool was extremely excited for her friend maybe a little jealous of whoever Ravenheart was dating, but still very happy for her. Before rosepool could let Ravenheart go a snowstorm started to roll in so together they found an empty rocky den and bunkered down till the storm was over but during the wait for the storm, Ravenheart went into labour and gave birth to three kittens. Speclekit, sharpkit and Blossomkit after rosepool's late sister. After a few minutes went by though Ravenheart felt weak and sick, she ended up passing the kits to rosepool and telling her to give them to Thrushgoose her mate. Ravenheart ended up passing away soonly after, but rosepool held back her mourning and delivered the kits to her mate in Creekclan.

Moons went by and after her Warrior ceremony Rosepool ended up finding a mate in her clan Lionsand, the clan's golden warrior and soonly after she ended up getting pregnant herself. This was one of the best things to happen to rosepool she was so very excited. As moons went by she saw Lionsand less and less he always smelt weird but she pushed it off as plants he rolled in during hunts. The day had come when rosepool was giving birth it was a stormy day, the medicine cat hadn't returned from gathering herbs with lionsand, they were both still out. Speckletuft stayed with rosepool being pregnant herself, she tried to comfort her the best she could as a few other warriors were sent off to find them. She ended up losing her kits..Lionsand and Acornblaze the medicine cat showed up moments after the kits deaths.

Rosepool mourned for moons over her kits during this time lionsand became cold and distant and ended up stop being her mate as soon as Acornblaze retired from being a Medince cat and was found to be pregnant with lionsands kits.

Moons pass and Acornblaze gave birth to three kits Amberkit, Willowkit and Timberkit. Rosepool held such anger and jealousy over Acornblaze because everyone loved her and always wanted to be with her, while hardly any cats would look or even speak to rosepool she never really knew why. She assumed the rumours Acornblaze would spread about her...Mabye Lionsand to, either way no one would really tell her why no one liked her. During a summer's day Rosepool overheard Acornblaze being angry about Amberkit being deaf, saying how he's a disgrace to her litter and wished he wasn't born this made Rosepool angry how could a mother not love her children no matter what? how come she wouldn't accept him for who he was?. The clan didn't help with Acornblaze's opinion as Perchstars influence was over them all he would always say 'this clan has no room for the weak'. 

Rosepool went of to go hunt hoping to clear her mind of acornblazes outrage. During her hunt she saw someone by the river and decide to go investigate, it was acornblaze...she was drowning Amberkit. Rosepool felt anger boil up inside her as she rushed forward tackling accornblaze to the water, and ripping out her throat once realising what she'd done rosepool ran off in a panic worried about the consequences of the murder she just committed. 

But no bad consequences came...Actually, things started to look up for rose pool. She ended up adopting Amberkit after Lionblaze refused to take care of him and even ended up becoming a favourite in the clan again some rumouring her to be the next deputy instead of lionsand. But all good things must come to an end..And in the end Rosepool was killed by Lionsand protecting her son Amberkit from him and his insane rage.

Rosepool still filled with confusion and anger, gets sent to the dark forest where she remains to this day.

I hope a rp with a really good friend of mine, so if you want any info on that let me know!!!. She has a mate in the rp and is ALIVE. Along with Amberkit by her side!!. Rosepool's mate is Whirlpool!.

Whirlpools ref is here  Art Fight - Dogsledder18's Profile