Kusari Toshin



1 year, 6 months ago


Name- Kusari Toshin クサリ  としん

Meaning- confident viper

Height- 5’7

Quirk- can create a water snake by using the water inside her body. However the larger she makes the snake the more dehydrated she becomes. She can have the snake with her at all times (like tokoyami with dark shadow) without reprocutions as long as she doesn’t change it’s size.

She cannot drink the water or bring it back into her body from the snake as it will make her sick and drinking water just before dehydration won’t work either as the body has to process it (you know the drill of the digestive system)

To increase effectiveness of her snake she can make it go towards whoever she’s fighting faster to create a higher water pressure.


Mother: Irezumi is 43, her quirk involves a snake tattoo that can slither across her arms, palms and upper half of her torso (stops at collar bone) she is unable to control where it goes. It kind of just chills out on her body. This is why she chose to become a paediatrician. Little kids love her quirk, often it distracts them. Usually she will be in the IV ward of the/a hospital to help distract kids from the cannula going in.
Her hair is a pastel lilac and eyes a henna brown.

Father: Shizuku is 45, his quirk is a weak version of water manipulation, he can control small droplets and make them get close together (but not combine) to create certain shapes. He works as an ambo (ambulance driver/assistant) much like his wife, he uses his quirk to distract people, not just children. Often he has to deal with very severe cases, some that involve people passing and his quirk helps with making people go happily and other times when it’s not as bad it gets peoples mind off of the pain. It requires him to use both hands so most of the time so he’s often in the back of the ambulance taking care of the patients. Even though by law he is not allowed to use his quirk in public he is an exception because it’s not used in an instance that it is dangerous or used in a crowded space for many to see as a way for attention. He also used his quirk throughout Kusari’s childhood and now Kurai’s.
He has grey hair and a lavender eye colour

Brother: Kurai is 10 years younger than Kusari, making him 6. His quirk has not developed, much like his sister he is a late bloomer. (I mean he could have just not discovered his quirk but i think this’s better)
He has a bluer version of Kusari’s grey hair and eyes.