


1 year, 7 months ago


Kesari is a fedron, (FEE-DRIN) a wild and feral fictional creature. They once lived in the wild, defending their territory from anything that dared enter their borders. They are often seen with various injuries, as they will attack people as well as other animals. They are hostile and it is very unlikely that they won't attack people they see. Fedrons are actually fairly intelligent, they are just blinded with violence. They hunt to survive as well as for enjoyment. They are seen as major threats to people and are very dangerous. They are swift, strong, and rarely back down from a fight. In a stroke of luck, Kesari was able to be tamed by Kenopsia, (Who does not have a reference yet) and they are very loyal to her. They will follow her word and understands civilized language. They attack anyone who poses a threat to her, and will do anything to ensure she is safe. She is the only one they trust fully. There are others who are friends with Kenopsia who they don't attack unless they are quite aggravated, but they still don't fully trust them. *Some notes! Kesari is an omnivore and loves food! They enjoy trying all different kinds of foods and will become less hostile if you give them some! It's one of their weaknesses.