
1 year, 7 months ago



Full Name William Delenhand
Nicknames/Aliases Will
Gender Male
Age (and/or birthday) 24
Race Human
Nationality British
Height 5'5
Sexuality Unknown
Occupation Cook
Affiliations The Silver angel
Significant Other none
Status Alive


William is an arrogant, boastful, and sophisticated young man who wants to be better at everything, mainly cooking, than Hector. He wants to make a name for himself as the best cook in Neonvilla City, and he wants everyone to know it. He speaks in a somewhat professional but cocky manor, and can and will subtlety insult you if he doesn't like you. Deep down though, William is a big softie and deeply cares for his friends, he gets flustered if he ever has to admit it, which he doesn't usually do. He's prideful about his good cooking skills and takes great care into making meals. He hates sloppy work, bugs, and dirty places, he isn't very good at tolerating uncleanliness so he is prone to throwing up if he sees something that disgusts him. He also enjoys the higher quality things in life, such as expensive wine, he isn't materialistic though.

He doesn't like being call "Will" by anyone eexpect his friends, he has never said this out loud though. He has deep admiration for those with a lot of passion, he respects people who have their goals and ambitions set out and a strong sense of determination, He probably won't say this anytime soon, but despite it seeming like he may dislike Hector and considers him his greatest rival, he actually respects him quite a lot and looks up to him in a way, he'll never admit it but he doesn't mind losing to him, as it motivates him to just get better.

  • Cooking
  • Wine
  • Cleanliness
  • The finer things in life
  • Being ignored
  • Being given cute nicknames
  • Bugs
  • Dirty things
