Lorien Amakiir



1 year, 6 months ago


Lorien Amakiir
147 Years
Male (He/Him)
Moon elf
Fighter (2)


WILL lead someone on for free booze

A note on this character. You can make it longer or shorter.

A note on this character. You can make it longer or shorter.


Lorien is ready to help in need whenever someone needs him, sometimes he postpones his help, should a situation be more funny rather than dangerous. Dislikes those he deems stupid beyond saving. Will appreciate a strong character however, even if not the brightest. He is not one to fight for greater good or run himself into danger, but he will not hesitate to protect what is his. He is not above lying and deceiving if results seem worth it.

Put a quote here. It doesn't have to be short, but with every new line, this box will expand, so don't make it extremely long, either. The ideal length is 2-4 lines of text.


A 147 year old moon elf who travels the world in lookout for a person or people who got his village to turn against each another, threw his mother into insanity, but also for weaving masters who would teach him the craft. For now though, he is doing as a delivery man for a lady who stole his wallet.
Curabitur odio odio, fermentum nec massa sit amet, tincidunt tincidunt dui. Sed enim felis, vulputate at tortor nec, blandit porta lorem. Vestibulum eleifend elementum arcu et fermentum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis lorem magna, malesuada non justo et, aliquet mattis dui. Phasellus pharetra nunc at diam posuere, ut dapibus diam commodo. Vestibulum nibh est, efficitur quis risus ut, mollis lacinia ex. Proin a ligula congue, accumsan leo quis, rhoncus diam. Vestibulum pellentesque nibh odio, a consectetur orci porttitor non. Maecenas varius a nulla a sagittis. Quisque viverra consequat ex, a aliquet quam sollicitudin at. Aliquam erat volutpat.
STR: 13 INT: 14 DEX: 15 WIS: 10 CON: 11 CHA: 12


Chwila Moment

[ Relationship ]

All that is connecting them is a wallet thief, night in same jail cell and a week of travel for work, but Lorien grew to care for tabaxi quite quickly. He makes sure to look out for him whenever needed.


[ Relationship ]

Relationship description goes here.Donec posuere libero ac mattis elementum. Nullam nec ex eu quam aliquam ullamcorper. Nulla scelerisque consectetur orci, nec ultrices ligula dapibus a. Maecenas rhoncus lobortis lacus, vitae malesuada purus cursus eu.