Selkiesong's Comments

Hihi!! I'm pretty sure your doing a character purge on your warriors folder! So I hope it's fine to offer on this guy, I apologize if not!!

Feel free to look through my toyhouse!! If your still interested in Atlas or anyone else I could likely do them! I could also offer 3-4 shaded busts or icons, Art examples <33

I also like these guys but don't wanna bombard you with comments!

Hii! Selkie is currently pending to someone who snatched em over on discord [sorry < / 3], but I'd love to do Havenhymn for Atlas!

OOO, I could probably do that!! I just wanna ask however if your able to add-on anybody since I think there's a worth difference? (Atlas is worth around 50 I believe? Since the character I traded for them was worth that much!!)

It's perfectly fine if not however!!

I can add Spiderpaw since he's worth around $22, so both haven and spider equal $58

Im 100% up for that! I'll go ahead and send Atlas your way!!

Is it fine to request a priority ping or trade-locks on Atlas However? I can do it for the others too if liked!!

yeah!! I'd love a ping on haven and spider as well <3

7 Replies