Sunny Knight



1 year, 7 months ago

Basic Info







Age at Story's Start



Currently unnamed plant species, formerally...human? Elf???


Being made of plant motes, she now can regenerate, attract motes, and sense motes. She also has a flower in her right hand that can open up and become different items, like a vine rope, or leaf sword


Formerly a regular sword, currently her flower hand


Sunny Knight is a close friend of Princess Julienne, since they were little. Sunny works as a knight in the same kingdom that Julienne is the princess of. (Describe personality and backstory from before story start)

A few chapters in, Sunny falls from a great height and is near death, she has some outside injuries, possibly broken bones, but it's her inside that's what really got messed up. No one knew what do so in panic Princess Julienne just grabbed whatever motes were nearby and surrounded Sunny with them. After many hours, the motes disappeared, and Sunny was alive and healed. But she was physically different. The motes had not only healed her, but become her. Her body was completely replaced with plant motes, and she is now like a living plant. 

She is not covered in plant, she IS plant, her body is one hundred percent plant mote/plant. She feels like a plant if you touch her, she is a plant all the way through. If you cut her open, (please don't), you would see that she still has a heart and a stomach and all that, but it is made out of plant, and her blood is plant juice now. If you cut her open the inside of her arm would look like inside of a plant. Because she's plant now, she can drink water through her skin and get sustinince from sunlight. Food is optional but she likes eating so she continues to do so. 

Being a plant is and feels weird and makes her much more effected by fire and coldness. But it has some good parts: plant motes are sort of magnetic towards other motes of the same type, and since she's made of mote, they just come to her on their own. Motes can be seen by anyone who believes, but Sunny can also sense them even when they are blocked from view for far away. She can also sense if other people have mote in them, but so far it seems like its mostly just people needing one thing repaired, and not a whole body replaced with mote like hers. Because motes are legendary, some people don't believe Sunny when she tells them she is living mote. 

The final thing that changed for her when turned into plant is a flower that grew on the palm of her right hand. It stays like a closed bud most of the time, but Sunny eventually learns to open it, and she eventually learns how to make the petals/leaves form different things such as a sword, a shield, or a vine rope for climbing and grabbing and stuff. Everything it makes is attached to her and she cannot set it down. The handle of the sword or shield or whatever is just an extension of herself.  In theory she can make everything, but she mostly just makes a version of her old sword just in grass, and only uses other shapes if she needs to (like axe if she needs to chop wood or something, vine if she  needs to climb/grab, shield if she needs to defend herself or others.

Human medicine no longer works on her, but people or objects that can heal plants can heal her. She can also regenerate her self to some extent like a plant, but it's slow. Faster then a human, but slower then a plant.

Before the change, Sunny has light skin, brown eyes, and brown hair. After the change she has light green skin, pale yellow-ish green hair that is fluffy like dandy lion sleeves, and leaf green eyes. 

Sunny's everyday outfit is ???, and she also has a hooded cloak to keep warm and stuff, the cloak is dark purple. Her armor is ???. Maybe she gets or adds a flower symbol to the front after transforming.

Sunny's old weapon was a sword that (describe sword). Her new weapon is whatever she can figure out how to make from her flowerhand. It isn't like now she has perfect control, it takes effort to figure out new shapes with it. She starts just with a sword resembling her old one, but she can also do other stuff like axe, sheild, or rope. She cannot make anything with moving parts, separate parts, or if it stretches to thin, so no guns(do those exist in this world?!), dual swords, bow and arrow or things like that. She also can't detach it from herself, so nothing that involves throwing. She could make a spear or something in theory but she couldn't throw it.