"Mama Q" Tamassran



6 years, 2 months ago


Tamassran responds to multiple names. Mama Q and Tama are the primary ones.

She was part of the Qun, a tamassran who took care of and educated children. She knew she wasn't supposed to get too attached to any one child over another, but favoritism always happens, no matter how hard you try to avoid it. And then they found out that her favorite child was swayed by demons - Imesaar-bas, they called him. And when the guards went to put down the demon, she stepped in to protect. The only thing she succeeded in was scarring up her arms and getting herself dragged in for reeducation. She escaped in the dead of night and ended up hopping between countries for a while before settling in the free marches. She stumbled upon Shokrakar and the Talo-Vas mercenaries and spent a little too long mothering them, so they recruited her. Shokrakar decides to drag most of the Talo-Vas to help the inquisition after losing her second in command - Adaar - and a few others. Jess was one of the lucky ones to come along. She fawns over Cole because he's so much sweeter than any of the other bas, er, people that she's met in Ferelden.

She's fairly optimistic, though claims that optimism is a choice she constantly has to make. She wants everyone to live a good life and prefers when people make choices that benefit the majority. She kind of sees everyone as her people until proven otherwise, and even then is guilty of giving too many second chances.

She likes music and small animals. A lot of the time she can be found entertaining small children, particularly the children of the servants around Skyhold. She likes flowers and gentle interactions. Absolutely 100% a cuddler, and will snuggle with anyone who isn't actively trying to kill her. 

She doesn't like to fight, but when she does, she fights with a sword and shield. Sometimes though, she'll drop the sword and just beat people to death with the shield. She won't attack unless provoked, but if you threaten any of her close friends, it may very well be the last thing you do.