Fujioka Kazue



1 year, 7 months ago
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humorous . accepting . incompetent

38 years
DFAB trans

Fujioka Kazue

Kazue is a Hinoe rank in the Demon Slayer Corp.. He goes by he/him pronouns.

Kazue is, despite his age, an entirely incompetent person. He fails at just about everything, and it's a miracle he's gotten this far in the Demon Slayer Corp..


  • Kazue is helped by many Hashira in the Demon Slayer Corp.. He has a knack for being put on Hashira missions, for some reason.
  • It's a miracle he's not dead yet.
  • That being said, he's a very wear-his-heart on his sleeve type of person.
  • He is very comfortable in his gender and doesn't mind wearing dresses. In fact, he mostly wears dresses.
  • Kazue has an excellent sense of humor. He has a knack for mastering the right type of humor just based on a person's vibes.



Kanroji Mitsuri [ Friend ]

Kanroji is the Hashira that Kazue is on missions with the most, probably because their styles of fighting are incredibly similar. Where Kanroji uses a whip sword, Kazue uses a nichirin spear with a blade long enough to cut off a demon's head. Kanroji thinks he's adorable, and Kazue finds her to be his BFF... if you could call how close they are that. They are on a first name basis.


Kocho Kanae [ Friend ]

Kocho Kanae was one of Kazue's closest friends until the hashira died to Upper Moon Two. While Kazue had the luck to not be on that mission with her, he did go on many missions with her before that, and knew her pretty well. Kazue was one of the ones who got a message from a crow announcing her death, despite their lower rank and lack of relation to the Hashira.

code by 00Ishikawa00