Thomas Everstorm



6 years, 3 months ago



This was the first character I ever made and is my main character for casual RP now



The faster you are out of my way the faster I can get a good drink

Hit me, come on hit need to hit harder. 

Yes I'm taken, no I won't cheat because I want to live. Yes she does frighten me when she's pissed off. 

I could help you...if you want to pick up my tab that is.... 

drunk ramblings 



Thomas Everstorm




Drunk Dragon (by the many bars and his associates) 

Dragon (by those he used to work with) 

Big Man (by his wife) 


 Head of Everstorm House

 ●▬▬▬▬๑۩۩๑▬▬▬▬▬● •\Physical Information\• ●▬▬▬▬๑۩۩๑▬▬▬▬▬●

 {Species/Race} Dragon...duh 

{Looks & Physique} 

Height: 8' 3" 

Weight: 472 (mostly muscle, also because of his skills) 

Wingspan Folded: 4' Full: 16' 3" 

Scale color: Sapphire Blue 

Eyes: Gold 

{Sex} Male....I could demonstrate but it'd be rude, and make others jealous 

{Blood Type} Dragonic...

 {Sexuality} points at wife me, her, in bed. All. Night. Long. 


•\Mental Details\• 

 {Mental Stability} He's usually stable but has small amounts of PTSD and of course alcoholism 

{Conditions} PTSD (minor)

 Alcoholic (major) 


•\Religious Belief\• 

 {Worshipping} Whatever god created alcohol and his wife 

{Hating} Whatever god created hangovers 



{Alignment} Chaotic Neutral (free spirit) 

{Code & Rules} 

~I will punch assholes in the face 

~Alcohol is always welcome 

~Always praise my wife 

~There is no word or concept even an Omnipotent being could fathom that would describe the pain and suffering you will go through if you hurt my wife. 


~Usually drunk off his ass 

~His strength can backfire if he needs to be gentle 

~Has done some very...questionable things in his past 


•\Social Attributes\•

 {Public Image} 

Neutral, he has a few enemies (none really rivals or sworn to kill him though) and many friends (who while like him may not be with him 100%) 

{Relations} Living Family: Wife; Alison Everstorm (maiden name Aventori) 

{Rivalries} None 

{Guilds} None 



{Demeanor} His main behavior can be variant either on his wife's presence or how much alcohol is in his system at the moment. 

{Nature} He's generally kind though intimidating at first glance due to his size, once one gets around to knowing him he's actually a nice guy 


~He's one hell of a body guard 

~Self Accomplished riches and achivements 

~Doesn't need that much protection if any



He might be a nice guy, but he has killed before. 

He loves his wife, but alcohol has a very large hold on him. 


~I'll pay the tabs for everyone but your gonna have to do your last call now cause the rest after is mine. 



{Tools & Weapons} 

Claws, fists, tail, breath, fire breath usual dragon stuff

 A heavy 6 shot revolver with 2 speed reload clips

 {Apparel & Armor} 

Casual: His casual might be his suit without the tie and a bit unkept compared to a more formal appearance, he may also just consider his lounge clothes casual if he has nothing else to wear.

 Formal: His suit, minus hidden weaponry, but add a few flasks where those spots were.

 Lounge: He usually wears sweats and a T-shirt when he wants to lounge around 

Battle: He generally wears his suit even into battle as a part of "business" though he does also put on some metal gauntlets to help deflect blows.

 {Misc. Items} 

His wedding necklace flasks, filled with alcohol 

{Strengths }

 His physical strength is amazing along with his defense when it comes to physical and magical damage. Resulting in both a strong offense and defense 


He's tall and has trouble with shorter opponents 

Though his physical damage is incredibly high, just keeping him out of physical range will dwindle a large portion of his power

                                  NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR

Looking at his kit now after  leaving him in a state of casualness I forgot how overloaded his kit can be. However I don't think I'll change it since he is the first character I made and is on an almost retired setting.


Dragon Lord Physiology

 The user either is or can transform into a Dragon Lord, a powerful draconic being who has complete control of other dragons by way of their own superiority along with other abilities that allow for dragon control. Such a being is not on the level of the transcendent or the godly, but has the highest level of authority among those who are just below those levels.

 Supernatural Condition

 Supernatural Conditioning Users are glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally superior over their race because their capabilities are pushed to the superhuman level; making them immensely stronger, faster, durable and smarter than normal members of their species (in that 'verse) can achieve by any method of training and remain that way with little or no maintaining.

 Includes the following:

  1.  Agility 
  2. Athleticism 
  3. Awareness 
  4. Balance 
  5. Combat Dexterity
  6. Durability (currently on an island level, requiring island busting+ to damage) 
  7. Endurance Flexibility 
  8. Instincts (can suppress them as well) 
  9. Intelligence 
  10. Reflexes
  11.   Speed
  12. Stamina
  13.  Strength (type III: Able to lift skyscraper sized structures and topple mountainous figures at top strength the next level would be continental then planetary) 

Enhanced Eating (gotta get alot of food in to keep his body going) 

The user can eat massive quantities of food at once to no ill effect, this can extend into versions of Matter Ingestion. This power can be very useful, especially for those that posses an abnormal nature. Because of this, nutritional intake needs are a great deal higher than that of normal, requiring more food in order to keep their strength up. 

Fire Immunity

 Just as the title says, fire is useless against him, includes all consuming fires. 

 Alcohol Empowerment 

Users become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. when they come in contact with alcohol, whether by drinking or simply being around it, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers. Some users may be able draw sustenance from the alcohol or even slow or stop aging. The user's attacks also become unpredictable to their opponents because the alcohol in the user's system throws their movements off balance. 

Indomitable Will

 Has unnaturally strong willpower, enabling them to be immune to all forms of temptation including Subordination Manipulation, Telepathy, Mind Control and Subliminal Seduction (note his wife is a chink in his armor for stuff like this)

 Power Anchoring 

Their powers notably cannot be absorbed, negated, erased, changed, copied, etc. New powers can still be developed and existing ones strengthened, but only through the user's own (other) abilities

 Enhanced Lung Capacity 

The user has a tremendous lung capacity and/or ability to use the oxygen very effectively enabling them to hold their breath for extended periods of time while staying active. This may also include birdlike lungs that allow the user to keep their lungs constantly filled with fresh air.

 Dragon Aura

 Primarily found in older dragons, their aura crafted and strengthened by age and power can dominate weaker willed foes into submission through fear alone.


•\Other Lore\•  

{Themes} ~Mr. & Mrs. Swing Feat. Gabi Szűcs 

                                   NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR

This was my first attempt at a long form story for a character and should definitely be taken with all the salt in the world. I made this back in highschool so expect cringe and all that. Apologies. 


((Note all of this backstory is from his universe and not the omniverse, however these are things he has accomplished)) 

Chapter 1 Before the day

Long time ago, Dragon, Humans, Elves, Lycan, and other creatures existed, governed by a central government with one representative from each race there, it was a shaky government at times, but each race had their own territory to rule. Focusing in now, on Thomas, who lived during this time. 572 years ago, Thomas hatched into the Everstorm house, a house known for being wealthy and powerful, Thomas was far from any exception to this. Out of all that hatched, Thomas stood tall being the first hatched, and strongest of his generation. Practicing and fighting daily, protecting his title of heir to the head of Everstorm house. It was around the age of 90, when he had to seek a mate. Many came to his door, promising the best cooking, "assets", however it was Alison, a sapphire blue scaled dragon, who caught his attention. She had the usual, as Thomas heard of the cooking and assets, however she had something that set her apart, she was a fighter, and wouldn't take no for an answer, especially after she decided to strangle Thomas, nearly killing him in the process, she got her message across, she didn't need Thomas to take care of her, something unique among dragons of this time. 90 years of learning about each other, and Thomas getting his ass kicked later, both stood at the wedding altar, ready to exchange their first treasure with each other, which would bound them together forever. Before the exchange could be completed, Thomas' father falls to the ground with an arrow in the back of his head. Then Alison's mother fell, befalling the same fate, the men scrambled to figure out what was happening and who to kill, that's when the cannons went off, the chaos becoming full scale. Thomas and Alison took off, flying as fast as possible, trying to get their heads around what was happening, the mansion they were in was crumbling, it would fall soon, Alison pushed Thomas out of harms way, encasing herself in the rubble that fell on her, Thomas turned back, screaming her name, and digging through the pile of rubble to get to her, all the chaos, the adrenaline of being near death, and Alison, was too much for him, as his world faded to black, his body unable to take it. 

Chapter 2 Revenge 

3 years passed, as Thomas was knocked out during this whole ordeal, the humans with consent of the council, launched a full out genocide against the dragons, claiming them to be responsible for the theft of the Arch orb. This orb possessed was destined to end the world, and in the hands of any sole possessor would have their race reign supreme. It went missing 3 years ago, the council believing the dragons, who are known to hoard rare objects, took it. Thomas awoke, to the mansion in ruins, the first treasure of his dead wife in hand, a gold locket around a silver chain, encrusted with her family's crest in diamonds. He couldn't will himself to dig through the rubble, he couldn't handle the thought of seeing his dead wife. He wandered outside, a human thief was outside, looking to score big. He was in shock to still see a dragon alive, Thomas approached, asking what happened, and so he did, he told Thomas about all that happened here, Thomas cried, how could his race die? How could such a mighty race just vanish, who would steal the orb? Who was strong enough to do that? He thanked the thief, then ripped the thief's head off, he was angry, and wanted to seek revenge against the monsters who destroyed his race. He traveled to the closest human town of Havenshore, he landed at the gates, where the humans took him into custody. He sat there, his eyes no longer filled with tears, no longer filled with emotion, it was empty, as the mayor approached him, he smirked. Thomas broke free of his chains, killing the leader of the town, he escaped high up into the air, vowing to the humans, "I WILL END YOUR RACE JUST AS YOU HAVE TRIED TO END MY RACE. I WILL NOT LEAVE ANY SURVIVORS!" and so he burnt the town, women, children, men, all to the ground, starting his revenge against them. Word spread faster than his fire, they couldn't identify what was going on to the human settlements, many describe it as a plague, some say it was the wrath of the gods, but no one could think it was a single dragon, the only one who lived through the genocide. It took months, going form settlement to the odd hermit, to big cities, he destroyed them all. On his way to the capital city, Raventhorn. The city was armed to the teeth as Thomas was beginning his arrival, ready to strike anything that got close, this is where the biggest fight kicked off. Thomas smashed through the gates, using the iron as a shield against the arrows that barraged him. cutting down the army, and the city block by block, searching every hide hole for humans, and killing them, he set the city ablaze, he was a one man army, fueled by the rage of his brethren, every dragon that had fallen, and Alison, his wife. He made his way to the castle, and to the throne room. The human king stood there, armed to fight, his son wearing the king's crown, in the middle was, the Arch orb. Thomas filled with more rage, the humans set them up, and destroyed all of them. It was a fast fight. the king got a solid stab on Thomas, but Thomas crushed the king's head like a melon. He approached the queen, and the prince, he apologized to them both, for what he was about to do, and then, killed them quickly, and without pain. He stumbled out to a balcony, to the burning city, nothing was alive, except for him. He stumbled back and treated his wound, then down to the king's vault. It was all his, he had all the treasure of the humans, but, a pain set in, the guilt and pain of all he has done these past months hit him, hard. He needed to numb it, somehow, and thus, began to drank. CHAPTER 3 AFTERMATH After the town was burnt to a crisp, days passed, Thomas drank until he blacked out, the council approached the ruined castle, to find Thomas laying there, mumbling drunken regrets, and of his wife, in his hand clutched, was the crown, with the Arch Orb in it.. They dragged him out of the castle, bringing along the alcohol as it seemed he needed it. To the council Thomas went. He awoke in stronger chains, and soldiers all aimed at him. He had no way of escape, as the council interrogated him as to what happened. Thomas spoke, his head hurting, his body achy, but addressed the council as to what happened, and about the Arch Orb. There was silence after, a long silence, and then the elf representative asked Thomas "Do you wish to finish the job?" Of course, the last human wasn't the king, not the prince, but the representative of the council. He nodded, and they led him to the chamber where the human was kept. The human's face drained of blood, he looked paler than a ghost, and knew what happened, the council picked Thomas' side of the story. Thomas, wanting to have a final say to the humans, had a small conversation with him. Ending with the last human dying brutally, Thomas walked back to the council. They were in debt to Thomas, but how could they repay a man who lost so much? Thomas had his ideas though, and made 3 requests, as to settle the debt. 1. All the human and dragon treasures belonged to him, as he is the only heir to the dragons, and won the human's by right. 2. I will vanish, erase me to say I never existed, I didn't kill the humans, a terrible plague did. Do not track me either. 3. Numb the pain, of what I lost. The council agreed to the first, the second they did as well, but the third, they couldn't do. They didn't know how to numb this deep of a pain, they gave him what liquor they had, and a spell to travel to far away places, Thomas sighed, and agreed this would repay the debt. He returned to the human castle, and came across blueprints for a weapon, it looked strong, but it seemed unfinished. He spent the next several years drinking, and making this weapon, forging it with dragon's fire, making it unbreakable. He was sad, even with all one could ask for, and decided he would search, to find a way to truly numb this pain, and begun traveling to far away places. 

Chapter 4 Ascension

 Survival has always been Thomas' goal of life ever since that day, and finding a new place with such powerful people, he felt lacking in knowing how long he can survive in such a place, though he would like to call it a newer home. That's when it struck him, The Arch Orb. The very item that would claim a species supreme, but how to get it? He had to steal it. He traveled back to his home, back to the council, and went into the room, picking it up, he could feel a power, inside the orb there was something trying to get out. He crushed the orb in his claw, as a gas come out of it, Thomas inhaled deeply and took the gas in, then his body began to invigorate itself. He no longer felt himself at a peak, his limits almost reset, as he ascended onto the next plane, and thus started to train once more. He wanted to find out just what the orb did to his body and how much stronger can he get so he can survive. 

Chapter 5 Post Havenshore

 At last she came back, though it was a very tense moment, we both were pretty fucked up by the end of all it. Though it was a surprise and I can't thank my accomplices Nichole and Alex along with the rest of the crew, I finally got my wife back. We cried alot, and I mean alot after the whole ordeal, but eventually we were both back to our old selves, our actual old selves. It's hard for me to kick my drinking habit but Alison helps by kicking my ass. It's a road full of wonders and there's a whole world to see with her, I decided to retire from my job to go with her and see with her how much the world changed while we were both stuck in the past. 

Chapter 6 The New Gig

The daughter of an old friend hit me up the other day, knowing not to call me on a phone (as those things infuriate the hell out of me) and offered me and my wife a new gig. She needed a person who can handle running an entire economy and not mess it up along with maintaining the balance we would be granted outrageously large payments of money, power, and even political status. The catch was we were to move to a planet full of technology and had to actually work the job, not be inserted in like puppets. After a small consulting with Alison we both took the gig and found ourselves now on a planet called Vesso, where we live in the head nation and enjoy ourselves after doing the daily rebalancing and economics. For two dragons economics was cake though, as we understood value better than other species, we have a cool gig going now, and taking that away at its current state wouldn't be worth it at all.