Darrel Martinez



6 years, 1 month ago


Darrel is 17 years old and identifies as a bisexual male. He is biracial, as his mother is African American and his father is Caucasian. 

He's approximately 5'6 (167 cm), making him under average height for his gender. He has a skinny but slightly muscular build, despite this he's pretty weak. He has olive/mid-brown skin, dotted with various moles and brown small eyes. He has black frizzy hair, styled in dreadlocks either tucked in a hat or tied in a high ponytail. He wears large, thick-framed blue glasses that make his eyes appear larger. He typically wears baggy pants, either sweatpants or oversized jeans that he often trips over, along with a tank top and flannel that he sometimes ties around his waist. He wears a necklace with a small blue gem on it and sometimes wears a small-brimmed hat, a bandana or beanie on his head. When he doesn't wear those he ties his hair in a tight ponytail with a light coloured scrunchie. He tends to wear sandals or converse sneakers with terribly tied, beat up laces. 

Darrel tends to be rather grumpy most of the time, getting frustrated easily and swearing lots, even when not upset. Despite his colourful vocabulary, he is clueless as to what most of the terms mean. He can be classified as a nerd, spending most of his time coding stupid things and studying for upcoming assessments at school. He tends to try and mess around with some person he's become enemies with online, using his knowledge on computers to send them harmful files and changing passwords to their social media. He tends to make a lot of violent threats, but when it comes to combat he's not very strong, or smart. He has a terrible aim with his punches, usually causing him to stumble, and can be quite funny to watch.