
6 years, 3 months ago


Name: Thomas B

NN: Tom

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Species: Maned Wolf

Family: Cassidy(sister), Parents

Friends: Frankie, Marvin(internet friend), Tyler(internet friend)

Pero:  Tom loves dark and spooky things.  He likes making trouble with his best friend.  Sometimes Tom goes on weird rants to strangers he's just met, it doesn't much help him make friends.  He tries to maintain a tough exterior, but in reality Tom is a big softie.  He loves his little sister wholeheartedly.  He can be a snarky boi though.

Bio: Tom grew up the only child for a number of years, but somehow he still had almost no attention.  The boy tried to get it however he could, an  wound up being a little menace in school.  After a while though, he  finally found someone who would pay attention to him and stuck around until they became friends.  Tom became much quieter after that, and was a very happy kid.  He did occasionally get into trouble with his new friend Francis, but somehow the entirety of the blame was shifted to Frankie and Tom got off scot free.  When his sister came around, Tom made sure to hang around with he as much as he could.  As they grew older, he didn't do it as much but still made sure to be around his sis.  He spends most of his days goofing off with Frankie now.

Description: A small, paleish maned wolf.  He's got black legs and muzzle, with a bit edging his ears and a tuft of black on the back of his neck.  His tail tip is white, and he has a spurt of white on his throat as well, along with his ears.  He has a spiky brown floof of hair atop his head.