


1 year, 6 months ago


Repeat Until Death
Novo Amor
1:11 3:54

canine | they/he | teen at death

A mystery to some, a friend to many, and a weaver of many tales. Murmur was well-known in life for the myths and ghost stories he'd tell people, lots of which getting passed down via oral tradition. Murmur has a creative mind that can make a solution for just about any problem.

Their lively nature has been dulled by a lack of people to talk to, which comes as a byproduct of being a ghost. He has a way of entertaining himself despite the isolation, but their emotions tend to overwhelm them more often than not. Trees, frogs, and chirping crickets are some of their closest company in those times.

  • the paranormal
  • moonlit nights
  • history
  • disrespect
  • ignorance
  • being forgotten

Oh, I can't seem to let myself leave you

lawful neutral | esfp | scorpio | XIV. temperance
well-mannered clever knowledgeable

Murmur is young at heart, no matter how long he lives on the mortal plane for. He's always up for a game, even the ones he doesn't know all that well. They're often seen as dishonest or untrustworthy due to their crafty nature, but in reality, that's just because they're really good at party tricks.

Even in casual situations, Murmur might come off as more formal than needed. They speak with a tone that others might interpret as him being snobby, but he isn't aware of this. On top of that, they're very blunt. Like, especially when you don't want them to be.


But I can't breathe anymore

medium | skinny | voice claim

Murmur is a decent-sized canine with one floppy ear. The other stands tall, with a tufted end.

He has light colored, almost glowing eyes. Their pupils resemble cracked glass, with bits and pieces surrounding it. He's fairly skinny, but the inhuman amount of fluff on him covers that for the most part lmao

Important Notes
  • Very symmetrical, aside from a few details like the scratch on his left cheek
  • Ribs are showing [ darker teal color ]
  • Neck isn't attatched to his head!!!

Oh, I can't seem to not need to need you

Don't go, you're half of me now...

In the heart of a small, mist-shrouded town in the woods stood an old and dilapidated tourist attraction known as 'The Enchanted Manor'. Filled head to toe with oddities from all corners of the world, this manor turned museum attracted visitors far and wide. Among the people who worked there, Murmur was one of them.

Their insatiable curiousity led him against his better judgement, deciding to work at the small tourist trap that paid barely minimum wage. Even so, he absolutely loved it. He became well-loved by many paranormal enthusiasts that shared the same interests as him. They took the role of a tour guide, leading them through the manor and depicting vivid tales of betrayal and tragedy with every ancient artifact passed.

As time passed, though, Murmur's health began to deteriorate. He became sick more frequently, but denied the off days they were given. Things got worse, until he was effectively bed-ridden, but still sleeping in the old attic of the manor.

Surrounded by silence, Murmur could hear the whispers and cries of trapped souls in the walls. Despite his attempts to cover his ears, they only got louder. Even when he went downstairs into a crowded lobby, he could still hear them.

haunting hallucinations

Unwilling to just let the affliction tear him down, Murmur started looking for answers. They flipped through worn, yellowed books, listened to the tales of old townsfolk, and dug for things that might be in the ground. They all lead to one conclusion- there was a curse laid on the manor, but the reason as to why was unclear.

Murmur searched. Any mention of this curse was vague, but the more he did, the louder the whispers in his ears got. They became deafening, to the point where he couldn't seperate them from the ones he heard in day to day life. Louder, louder still, like they were trying to blow their eardrums out. They became erratic, the once playful and joyous canine turned skittish and paranoid because of this phenomenon. No one could get close enough to help them, and when they tried, they'd be greeted by a maw of snapping teeth and fearful tears.

The following weekend, they didn't get up the next morning. Piled with blankets to keep himself warm in the cold attic and surrounded by dirt-ridden books, Murmur was pronounced dead the following morning. Their family, living in a different area, was given Murmur's body for the funeral.

In the attic, Murmur's spirit rose from its spot on the floor and looked around. Surrounding him were multiple faceless ghosts, none of which stopping to talk to them. The truth of their situation was quick to sink in when they realized he couldn't leave the manor. They were stuck.

everything rots

Days and years melted into one. Murmur was elated at their spectral state at first, phasing through walls and scaring guests by moving objects around. Turns out, though, people don't like it when the haunted attraction they spent money on is actually haunted. That, combined with a lack of clean resources in the area caused the place to slowly fall apart.

More and more unexplainable sightings made people leave by the handful. Summers became less and less crowded, until all that remained was a ghost town. The only ones remaining were old people unwilling to leave their childhood home. With time, they too, died and turned into spirits haunting the town. Faceless, but still crying out with invisible mouths.

Tethered to his book, Murmur watched as his home fell apart in front of them. They could feel the curse writhing beneath the floorboards, and they were confident they were the only one who could hear it. Their panicked rambles remained unheard by the surrounding, fading spirits.

If there's one thing Murmur took away from his studies, it's that the curse would continue to spread and consume unless stopped... that part was conveniently left out, so Murmur was left in the dark in how to go about it. But one thing's for sure, they were done moping around and being sad. They needed to leave their home behind, no matter how much it hurt, in order to put a stop to this horror.

Murmur notices bits of their fur tears off easily, revealing their skeleton underneath. They know they don't have much time.

And I can't breathe anymore

...But I'm hardly stood proud.

close friend

It seems ironic. A creature meant to be a husk for ghosts befriending a ghost, one of the creatures they've learned to hate. Despite this, Murmur and Whispers have formed an unlikely bond.

Whispers's inattention to spirits and how they behave ticks Murmur off, but at least he seems willing to learn. They try to brush off their relationship as purely temporary, but deep down, they know they'd willingly sacrifice themselves for Whispers.