I have a ton of monster OCs but none with this concept! They would fit right in with my murderous alien outlaws :D 

I would like use it as a reason for practicing animating special effects when I have the time in the future! I want to adjust the design a little and make the star on the head multiple eyes! Like an anise seed, I'd separate the sockets and add some pupils in there but it would still look exactly the same as this when those eyes are closed. 

I also think that the pallette is very unique and I don't have any other OCS who look anything like it

nie_noo i dont know why but i really like this design

name: Algol (chose that name since its a star and that star is also known as the demon star)

gender: non-binary xe/xem

literally is just a bunch of particles or something that somehow forms a sentient being, kinda like saturn's rings, kinda, maybe, idk man im horrible at explaining things

i'll add more when i think of more