



Name Atria Onasis
Called Lady Atria | Healer of the Stars
Gender She/They
Sexuality Demiromantic
Age 10'000+ y/o
Height 5'7
Race Half Edenian/Half Outworlder
Role Medic/Astronomer
HTML Pinky

Paranormally wise, regally silent and fiercely intelligent, Atria is up front a deceptively kind person. She tends to keep a very neutral personality, helping those who need it regardless of allegiance, and while she does not ask for coin for her services, she does not refuse it. She doesn't have many close friends, tending not to trust others easily. But once someone manages to squeeze into her bubble, she will be there for you until her death.



  • Astronomy
  • Sunbathing
  • Deserts
  • Night


  • Disrespect
  • Shao Khan
  • Manipulation
  • Shallow Relationships


Her Story

Atria grew up in Edenia close to the royal family, as her mother was an Edenian noble. It wasn’t until after Shao Khan took the crown that she found her affinity for stellar magic at a young age. She was offered alongside Jade, but due to her abilities, she was swept under Shang Tsung’s wing to train. Her training was harsh and unrelenting, and was mainly focused on keeping herself alive. When Shang Tsung was away, she spent time with the two other girls, having some semblance of a normal childhood. For the most part, she grew up alongside them, training and learning. Jade, Kitana and Atria became great friends, and once Shao Khan deemed Atria’s training under Shang Tsung complete, she began her work for him.

She worked as an artifact collector, healer for the armies and occasional bounty hunter. Her tasks took her all over both Edenia and Outworld, introducing her to many people that would prove useful to her and her work. Atria found herself alongside the Black Dragon and other allies of Shao Khan until Kitana betrayed him. While Atria was more loyal to Kitana and assisted her against Shao Khan, she did not follow her to ally with the Earthrealmers. Atria did not trust them, and in turn decided to become a free agent. But if Kitana and Jade ever required her help, she would have no problem helping them.

In MK11, they followed Kitana after she took up the mantle of Khan, and fought against Kronika’s forces.


Stellar Manipulation

stellar energy absorption

stellar energy manipulation

radiation manipulation

stellar healing/regeneration

manipulation of stellar energy for attacks

Heightened senses (because of her lack of sight) She is able to sense the energy around herself and thus able to ‘see’ much better than with regular eyesight.

Two daggers; blades made of pink sapphire

Medicine Bag

  • In low light conditions, her eyes have a slight glow to them. Due to this, she tends to deviate from any stealth related jobs. That, and her general disdain for them.
  • She spent a lot of her childhood around Jade and Kitana. The three of them were close friends, and Atria’s twin pink sapphire daggers were a gift from them after graduating from combat training.
  • Her alignment would be considered ‘True Neutral’. While she showed allegiance towards Shao Khan during his rule of Edenia, once Kitana betrayed him that bridge burned very quickly. From that point on, she moved around both Edenia and Outworld healing those who needed it and earning coin while doing it.
  • Although she is not typically a fighter, she knows how, and is quite good at it. Taught by both Jade and Kitana, she adopted the dual weaponry style combined with her stellar magic to create a mid-speed, hard hitting technique.
  • She decided on mainly working in Outworld, finding the atmosphere more to her liking. People also tended not to judge as harshly for her bounty hunting ventures.

Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.


Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.


Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.