Dr. Roy Blythe



1 year, 7 months ago



Dorky Doc

  •  Name Roy Blythe
  •  Age  22
  •  Gender Male (He/They) 
  •  Birthday May 4th
  •  Height   5'10" (6'0" with shoes)
  •  Occupation   Back-Alley Doctor
  •  Sexuality   Gay ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
  •  Personality 
  •      Roy is playful, energetic (despite the constant lack of sleep), and a total tease. Although he’s built like a man whore, he’s actually a very sweet guy; the type of man your grandma would tell you to marry immediately. He’s on amicable terms with everyone in his neighborhood, always taking care and getting to know everyone to the best of his ability. He’s witty and intelligent, always trying to stay educated and cracking clever jokes. The people who get the brunt of his teasing are those he considers close to him. He’s very passionate about his job as well as cooking. When he’s working, he gets incredibly serious. He doesn’t let anyone watch surgeries, but he doesn’t mind when other patients and friends watch him build prosthetics/augments and update/fix them. He is very indecent and just a passionate man who executes his version of “good.” All in all, he is a bright, optimistic man who does his to protect those around him.
  •  Appearance 
  • abc

  •  Likes   likes 
  •  Dislikes dislikes 
  •  Backstory 

  •      His dad was the original back-alley doctor. He was doing it since before Roy was born and had basically perfected it (aside from always getting chased to different spots by the feds). His mother was fine with this because she understood it was to help people in the same situation as them (poor and left for the dead), but as soon as Roy got hurt, she wanted his father to stop. When Roy was 8 years old, while him and his family were trying to escape some cops, bullets flew completely tore up his left arm. His father managed to keep him alive long enough to replace the arm entirely with an augmented prosthetic. They frequently traveled due to his dad always getting chased around by the feds, so his dad gets his hands on a lot of different tech and such from his hundreds of patients. Roy does have a brain chip that his father had gotten from one of his patients. He was homeschooled to keep him and his family’s existence as secret as possible but as soon as he was able to, he was taught how to do surgery, build prosthetics/augmentations, and learned all the medical stuff you could learn from books and fellow back alley doctors (and maybe some stolen information from “legitimate” doctors). His dad died when he was 12 because the feds finally caught up to him. After relocating one last time, his mom followed suit after attempting to get her own augmentation updated because the father used to do it for her. The “legit” doctor she went to fucked her over due to her not being able to afford the best insurance plan and because of this, she died when he was 17 due to complications. Roy is now 22 and has been running the back-alley doctor business himself since 17. He’s an incredibly hardworking guy; he does surgeries (with the help of some super techy surgery machines, but it’s mostly him), he does updates/fixes/tune ups, he builds prosthetics/augmentations from scraps, and does general checkups. He doesn’t charge for his work and works for days straight. The only days he takes “off” are weekends where he runs errands for his personal life and takes emergencies only. He makes money because some people refuse not to pay him and does various quick cash jobs on the weekends. When he was 17 before he started up the business again, he gave himself the spine augmentation with an automated surgery machine and went through the surgery/healing process all by himself. The purpose is to prevent nerve degradation from constant surgeries and tinkering.

  • Aster Waffe   ENEMY 
         Roy found Aster near-death after the latter got disowned by his father. Roy dislikes those who work for corporations, but he never turns his back on those in need. Roy begrudgingly nursed Aster back to health and took him in.
  •  TBA TBA 
  •  TBA TBA 
  •  TBA TBA
  •  TBA TBA 
  •  Abilities
  •  Ability 1
  • stuff

  •  Ability 2
  • More stuff

  •  Trivia 
    • ● Roy is Filipino and Italian.
    • ● Trivia 2
    • ● Trivia 3
    • ● Trivia 4
    • ● Trivia 5
    • ● Trivia 6

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