

1 year, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Hiros Browbird


Browbird equivalent of mid 20s









πŸ‘‘Β Prince of Darkness πŸ‘‘
Hiros Browbird
Shadow || Nightmare || ???
✦ Uncommon Crown Crest
✦ Uncommon No Tail
✦ Rare Horns
✦ Rare Talonscale
✦ Rare Runic Markings
✦ Rare Aura Breath
✦ Mythic Reflective Accents
✦ Mythic Everglowing Eyes

Due to their aspects, Prince Dharyon was sealed away beneath Braulin castle (and has been since they were a browlet). Most people didn’t even believe there really was a prince because they had never been seen in the public eye. Dharyon was treated like the finest prince, served substantial meal portions, given magic training, a fine personalized education, and luxurious items. All this came at the cost, though, of having friends their ageβ€” and of being allowed to leave the palace at all. They could have anything and everything, their father promised, so long as they didn't leave... "Your day will come," he would tell them, hands clasped behind his back. "But we must be... Patient."

Dharyon’s reflective accents sealed away their aspects from harming others, and their father intended for them to be a weapon of mass destruction eventually. These seals were branded onto Dharyon as a baby. Dharyon didn't desire this fate, however.Β 

In a secret escape into the rest of the castle, Dharyon discovered something in the library. Shadow-stepping into the restricted area, notes of plans to steal a child were scrawled out, as were name ideas for the child. Their eyes widened as they realized what was truly at play here: They were not their father's son, nor was their father the rightful King. Had their own parents been usurped? How had news of a historical coup not reached their ears? This, they thought, must surely be the reason they were never allowed to leave. They were a stolen prince, kept to be used to violently enforce the King's rule later on.

Stuffing the scraps of paper into a pocket, they mustered up the energy to disappear onto the nearest castle tower and flee into the night. Dharyon flew away, confused and hurt, in order to make plans of their own... To learn more about their lost family and avenge what had been done to them.

Dharyon spent years watching nobles and ladies and knights interact with one another, and they knew what they thought was charming. Thus, this was the character they played. Buried deep beneath the handsome, roguish facade, they wished they could just be a normal person... But destiny seemed to have more in store for them. They were led to believe that they would be a monster and a weapon with their aspects unleashed since nobody around them believed they could ever control those aspects.Β 

Watching now as their father further plunges their kingdom into destruction, Dharyon plans an assault of their own to reclaim the throne for themself, believing it to rightfully belong to them. Quietly, too, Dharyon seeks someone able to undo the effects of the runes on their magic to fully unlock their potential.

For the time being, they gather allies and forces across the Celestial Seas to help them achieve their goal as they traverse the universe. Others see them as an entitled noble, however, so this has proven difficult...