Nofo's Comments

So cute!!! Omg I love the design!!

Thank you froyo <3 She’s one of my greatest prides 

What is she from!!! 😳 from a rp or story?

Her breed is fictional, From a comic called ’HOME’ by Kique Nordin! She’s a Rifle Royale! 

I’ll admit he’s a pretty shitty person overall, not very great to support, and I read the comic just to see where it goes nowadays, but the community is decent if you find the right people! 

There’s a small server of us who make characters to role play with! Super fascinating world lore, the author just does very little to expand on it sadly. Here’s a link if you wanna read!

 It’s really lengthy, and still ongoing, if you just want something to do. I’d be glad to tell you more about it if you want sometime! Just a warning, there’s some graphic violence, and sexual content in there every now and then, (I just skip the pages bc ew)