Li Leng



1 year, 5 months ago


Li Leng


Name Li Leng
Pronouns He/Him
Race Hyur (Midlander)
Height 5ft 9in/175cm
Age 18
Birthday 10th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon
Main Job Dragoon
Official Profile Lodestone

Quick Intro

Warrior of Light character in FFXIV

Li has been deaf for most of his life and has used it as an excuse to be clueless about the world. He has a hard time being patient with himself and others when trying to communicate. Despite that, he still seems to think that he's a cool dude (but he would be hard-pressed to find someone who agrees with him). Even though he doesn't go out of his way to be nice, Li has a tendency to accidentally be in the right place at the right time to help others. He will react positively to anyone who treats him well and is easily impressed by others.


He's slightly above average height for his race, with a somewhat muscular build. Li appears to be a few years older than he actually is, but he's never been bothered by it. His skin is fair without being pale and he has freckles across his face. He does have rather defined and long eyelashes, while his eyebrows are fairly thick. His eyes are teal with slit pupils and his hair is purple with chunks of light blue mixed in.

Extended Personality Notes

He is completely deaf; Li lost his hearing in an accident during his childhood. He does have some small ability to speak, but the words are often unclear and he's not good at using the correct volume. Because of how many people have treated him like he's very stupid when he's spoken to them, he mostly chooses not to talk at all. Sign language is his preferred method of speaking, though he does make up a lot of his own signs that he will finger spell when he doesn't think he's getting his meaning across. Li hasn't met very many people in his travels who understand much sign language, but he very quickly latches on to those who do. He has found that most adventurers pick it up very quickly, so he has great enthusiasm when interacting with them.

He is very skilled at lip-reading and only needs to see a person's mouth to catch the majority of what they're telling him. He does sometimes choose not to pay attention, often suffering the consequences of that choice. He struggles greatly with a number of beast races, especially those with beaks or mandibles who do not form words in a familiar way. Li is at his most patient when trying to learn how to communicate with such races, as he feels like there's a lot of interesting things he can learn from them. On the other hand, it does mean that he struggles terribly with masked enemies. Li can tell when someone is monologuing, even when he can't see what they're saying. He does get amusement out of those who get mad when he doesn't respond to taunts, especially when they have no idea that he can't even hear them.

Li truly is a dumbass. He made the conscious decision after losing his hearing to refuse any schooling. Because of that, all of scholastic abilities are very low, including that he has a poor reading level. He does make an effort to learn more during his travels, but he has many years to make up for. He struggles terribly with reading fancy handwriting. He also has a hard time understanding those who speak eloquently, as a lot of the vocabulary includes words that he has never heard before. When there are too many words that he can't understand, he tends to stop trying and just ignores the information.

He likes to cut to the chase and can be quite impatient. Li's not good at paying attention to long backstories or detailed instructions. When he misses out on information that he needs to complete a task, he will just try to fumble his way through it instead of going back to learn what he needs to know. Li also struggles with classes that require patience in casting, so he tends to shun most magic-related abilities. DPS is his preferred role, as it means that he can keep moving and keep fighting constantly, with a secondary preference for tanking.

Misunderstood asshole. He doesn't care about doing nice things for others, but has a tendency to do so by accident. Li's thoughts are rarely very kind about anyone else, but his frequent lack of communication tends to convince others that he's cooperative or compliant. His confused head tilt is typically mistaken for agreement and he doesn't feel like going through the effort of correcting others about it. Although he doesn't really care for kids, he tends to draw attention from them and he's never mean towards them.

He thinks he's a Pretty Cool Dudeā„¢ but no one else sees him that way. Li is unjustifiably confident in himself and rarely doubts his own decisions (even when he regrets them later). He looks up to several other characters who he honestly believes are cool and he does his best to mimic them. Li is pretty gullible and will readily believe in tall tales even when others don't. Since he literally can't hear anyone talking behind his back, he just lets himself believe that he's skilled and impressive whenever he tries to show off. If anything negative is said directly to him, he takes it into consideration as constructive criticism. But he is super unlikely to ever be convinced that he's not as cool as he thinks he is.

Li absolutely hates rain, storms, and most forms of bad weather. He just doesn't like water in general. It won't stop him from completing tasks or going places, but Li is pretty grouchy and sullen when he's forced to get wet. Bathing is really the only exception to that rule, since he does have a slightly heightened sense of smell and he does not enjoy constantly smelling like he's been out on the road. But he will typically shy away from rivers, lakes, or other large bodies of water if he doesn't have to be near them.

He is surprisingly good at crafting, especially when things are related to construction. He took a huge interest in the building of submersibles and actually lived in the workshop of his free company for a time while learning how to craft components and put them together. He honestly has no idea how loud his crafting tools are, but he knows that people look at him if he crafts in public places. When working on projects, he tends to either hide out in one of the crafting guilds, or else seclude himself in his free company's workshop. He's sort of impressed by those who craft out in public because he's not brave enough to do so.

Li is unexpectedly stealthy while gathering, or at least in getting to places where he can collect materials. He does not like the feel of uneven or unstable surfaces beneath his feet, so he naturally avoids things like loose rocks and sticks. He is a little clumsy when walking across sand, and he is quite loud when walking through areas with dry grass or brittle plants. Due to his lack of patience, he has really poor skills with fishing.



Li was born in Limsa, to a family of... somewhat questionable heritage. His mother had a habit of often bragging that their family tree was made up of many mixed bloodlines, but was never able to provide concrete evidence of it. Her favorite point would be to claim that Li's slit eyes were proof of mi'qote blood in his veins. Most people were content to ignore her claims since they didn't really care and she was the only one who made a big deal about it. Li's father was rumored to not be his actual father, as Li took very much after his mother and didn't share many physical similarities with the man. There had been some rumors about Li's mother being a little too unsupervised before she came up pregnant. Li's father was very good at ignoring such rumors by bringing up questionable information on others, which usually made them back off in case he chose to reveal more than they wanted to be spoken.

When Leviathan attacked Limsa, the storms were especially brutal in coastline settlements like the one Li lived in with his parents. The whole area wound up being washed away into the sea; an eight year old Li was caught up in it and dragged out into the rough waters for days. He was found and rescued after Leviathan had been dealt with, but the ordeal of being lost out in such terrible storms had cost Li his hearing. He struggled to communicate with his rescuers, who were so caught up in trying to find other survivors that they did not have the time or ability to specifically seek out his parents. Li was declared an orphan and grouped with other homeless survivors. Some members of that group elected to move to Gridania rather than try to rebuild their lost homes; Li wound up going along with them since he had nowhere else to go and he could barely understand what was happening.

Growing Up

Miounne was central in helping the refugees to get settled, and the confused and irritable Li did not escape her notice. She wound up taking a special interest in him, teaching him the majority of the sign language that he would later come to heavily rely on. Li was not the most cooperative of students, being frustrated and impatient with his new disability. Miounne encouraged him to interact with the adventurers that often came through, as well as the various guilds in Gridania. Li did get to meet a few adventurers who were able to communicate with him through sign language. They were also instrumental in helping him learn how to read lips, which led to him actively seeking out adventurers who would tell him stories of things that they had seen out in the world. He believed just about anything that he was told, no matter how outlandish the story was.

Li also took a great interest in construction work, especially in relation to carpentry. His presence often annoyed guild members, as he would simply stare and observe without saying anything. Veteran members of the guild learned that they could send him out on simple errands, usually by giving him the name of a location and having him carry written instructions for what he was meant to be doing. He spent a lot of time between there and the botanists' guild, where Fufucha was one of the few patient souls that would take the time to try to converse with him. She did discover that Li wasn't as stupid as most people seemed to believe; he was just difficult to get along with and required a lot of patience to work with. Fufucha had plenty of that, so she was the one who taught Li most of the survival skills that he would need as a future adventurer.

As he hit his teenage years, Li developed more interest in fighting abilities. He had a keen interest in the lancer's guild, but they were hesitant to start actual training with him. Li did develop a habit of mimicking their strength exercises and it was the first thing that he was officially allowed to participate. He wasn't approved to handle any actual weapons for a good while, though. When he finally did, Li did not show any immediate talent for the weapon, but he did have an impressive amount of strength and stamina at his disposal. Where he had once been an annoyance, he became a challenge at the guild for his tenacity and unwillingness to give up in sparing matches. While veteran members of the guild had no concerns about him, trainees found that they disliked being matched up against him because Li could not figure out when to quit. There were a few times where others had to intervene, just because Li was unable to hear his opponent give up during the match.

Professional Adventurer

As soon as he was made a verified member of the lancer's guild, Li set out as a proper adventurer. He did not really want to return to Limsa, so he set his sights on Ul'dah. It was there that he first truly felt like he was starting to see the world; the people and sights were all new to him and everything was exciting. He proudly joined the Immortal Flames and eagerly completed every mission he received. The drier climate helped him to feel like he was safe from having to deal with the dangers of oceans and storms and he had no complaints about that change. The skills he had learned in Gridania did come in handy as a source of income; he primarily offered his abilities as a hired hand in both battle and construction.



A Realm Reborn

Li was very dismissive in his first dealings with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. He hardly paid them much mind, only giving his full attention when Minfilia gave him direction. He did have some doubts the first time he was made to deal with a primal, but he came away from the experience with a great deal of confidence and a rather firm distrust in anyone who claimed to be any sort of god-level being. Even Hydaelyn was not above his scorn, despite how his allies treated her with more reverence.

He did discover that through the Echo, he could "hear" the voices of memories. Li wasn't able to explain what the feeling was like, but he did take some comfort in the fact that Minfilia at least behaved like she understood what he was trying to say. The Echo also enabled him to "hear" the voices of primals, which made his battles against them all that more thrilling for Li. When he first encountered Garuda, he did a moment where he believed that the Echo had in some way been corrupted, since he could not hear her words. But he later learned from the complaints of his allies that Garuda literally just screamed and was not understandable even to the average person.

Li became very interested in the idea of primal hunting and would readily drop other tasks in order to chase rumors of primals as he discovered them. Something about actually being able to hear his enemies made the fight all that much more exciting. Li did develop a reputation for being battle-anxious because of it; however, those who knew him well were all too aware that it only extended to primals, as he would occasionally shirk other responsibilities.

When the Crystal Braves were formed, Li was actually quite proud of his involvement in scouting members. He was therefore furious at their unexpected betrayal. Although he had not been particularly close to Alphinaud at that point, Li found it easy to suddenly step in and help to make decisions on his part while dealing with the aftermath. Li was unusually protective as they left for Ishgard with Tataru.



Never before had Li been as readily included as he was by Haurchefant and House Fortemps. It went a long way to serve as a comfort after everything that had happened in Ul'dah. Li remained attentive to the whereabouts of both Tataru and Alphinaud, but hovered less when he realized that they weren't in any true danger.

Meeting with the dragons was a massive eye-opener for him. Li had come to rely on the Echo to be able to hear anything, even if it was only in snippets of events past. But he quickly discovered that dragons were able to speak to him on some other level similar to the primals he had previously encountered. It made him eager to interact with more of them, which sometimes came across as insane to those who were waging war against them. Li was always first to throw himself into dangerous fights against them, with hardly any care towards his own safety. His attitude wound up putting him into a precarious situation between Estinien and Ysayle, as he didn't really agree with either of their views.

Li did develop a lot of fierce opinions about a number of individuals during his travels, both negative and positive. He made no secret of either, finding it easiest to just remain blunt even if it put alliances at risk. Unfortunately, most of his negative opinions proved to be validated with the loss of Haurchefant. Li had never really thought much about loss before then, but he did for the first time feel confronted with it when dealing with Count Edmont after that. He wound up taking some down time to actually consider the loss of his parents, whom he had never had the opportunity to search for. He resolved to himself to make time to see if there was anything he could learn about them, but focused his priorities on locating the missing Scions.

Events with the Warriors of Darkness hit him pretty hard; less because of their situation and more because of what happened with Minfilia. Li had been at a loss in figuring out how to explain her sitation to the others, and saying goodbye to her for an undetermined amount of time was even more difficult. He stuck very close to Alphinaud for a time, only finally finding his feet again upon Ilberd revealing himself.



oh shit i have a lot to write

tl;dr Lyse and Li share a single braincell that Alisaie sometimes steals from them




tl;dr Li is a haunted dumbass who hates water and can't tell when someone's confessing to him





12/8 fought god on the moon and met some bunnies



Drawing Notes

  • Li has freckles on his face! I'm not picky on the number or placement of them, as long as they are some kind of visible. This is the only physical note that is actually important to me and will be the only correction I'm worried about if they're left out.
  • His pupils are slit similar to a cat's eyes, but can be drawn more round.
  • The color of his eyes is teal, but any blue or green shade is a fair substitute.
  • The gradient in his hair is my personal take of the game graphics and it does not have to be super accurate. As long as both the blue and purple are there, it doesn't matter to me if it's a soft gradient between them or a defined line where the color changes. I am not any kind of picky about precise colors! Especially for traditional commissions, because I know that shade of purple can be a massive headache sometimes.
  • He wears an earring in his left ear 99% of the time, but it is sometimes covered by his hair. It's meant to be three light purple flowers close to his ear with a few metal pieces that dangle, but I don't draw it consistently correct and am therefore not super picky about it.
  • If I don't specify an exact outfit for a commission, then just about any outfit in his gallery is fair game. My default favorite is the one with the navy t-shirt because it's easy for me to simplify. (And I think it's funny that everyone else looks so cool, but he's just some guy in a plain shirt.)


  • His favorite mount is an unnamed Antelope Stag, which was a gift from Rhekesh. Li takes it almost everywhere. Since he doesn't use verbal communication, he hasn't bothered to give it any sort of official name. He sometimes refers to it as "my guy" or just "guy" in sign language.
  • Li's chocobo is lavendar in color, and came to him with the name Thorvald. Li is not experienced in training any sort of animals, so Thorvald is not exceptionally skilled in battle. Thorvald is very spirited though, and aggressive enough that he will continue to attack enemies even after they've been subdued. Even in the case that Li has to retreat from a fight, Thorvald will stubbornly stand his ground and will force Li to return just to drag him out of trouble.
  • He does sometimes drink alcohol, and has for a little while. No one's ever really bothered to ask his age and he's never bothered to explain it. Li has never been severely drunk; he just gets very friendly and laughs a lot when he's had a drink or two. He prefers to drink during celebrations, but has been known to have one in memory of fallen comrades.
  • When it comes to gods, spirits, and primals, Li does not really hold them in any high regard. He prayed to every being he could think of when he was caught up in the storms caused by Leviathan, but he did not feel like any of them bothered to answer him. When he was rescued, it was at the hands of common people and there was no divine intervention. Hydaelyn awes him at first because it's the first voice that he is able to "hear" after becoming deaf. But when he realizes that primals and dragons can speak to him in the same way, it's not so impressive to him anymore. He does accept that they are different beings, but he does not religiously believe that any of them will be doing him any special favors. Li is reluctant to do things just because some "higher being" tells him that he should. He has very little hesitation in battling any sort of god or primal. His uncaring and sometimes aggressive nature towards such beings often earns him scorn from those who base their faith on gods. Li either doesn't know or doesn't care that he gets that sort of reaction.
  • He will pursue encounters with primals, dragons, and visions through the echo because all of those allow him to experience a sort of hearing; the "sound" is something that reverberates more with his soul. He specifically witnesses the echo as images and powerful impressions that allow him to "hear" what is occuring in the scenes he witnesses. Li is incapable of describing exactly what he witnesses to others as there are not words that correlate with the sensations that he experiences.

Creator Notes

  • Li's story is my headcanon for how he has experienced the plot in FFXIV. He does interact with other WoLs throughout, but his main notes will be in relation to NPCs. I do know a lot of game spoilers, but Li's profile and story will be limited to actual events that he goes through until I get caught up. I just barely started Stormblood.
  • I am actually... really bad at video games. I'm a coward in FFXIV when it comes to social interactions and I still don't know what to do when someone tries to interact with me. If you happen to catch Li running around on Goblin, please just be aware that I am dumb and awkward.
  • At present, all WoLs listed on the "WoL Links" tab are characters that Li has actually met in-game (with the exception of Ena because she only ever seems to be online to run high-level alliance raids with her FC, but I've known her story for literal years). They will be listed in order that they were added to Li's friendlist.
  • THERE ARE NO ROMANTIC SHIPS FOR LI!! He is currently not romantically shipped with any character. I am totally up for creating backstories or interactions with other characters, whether they be canon or not. But I am currently NOT interested in anything romantic involving him. It's best to consider him as aromantic ace for now.
  • Li's opinions on canon characters varies from mine, so please don't take any notes on his point of view as gospel. There are many characters I absolutely adore, but they don't fit smoothly into how Li's story has been playing out. This unfortunately means that they have less interactions with him and/or he just pays less attention to them.
  • Kaoru's creator is the main reason that I finally picked up FFXIV, even after all of my siblings and many friends have been playing it for years. I created an account without their knowledge and desperately sped through much of the early part of ARR just so that I could surprise them.
  • Li was originally designed as deaf because of how little attention I paid to the very beginning of things and it was meant to be a joke excuse for why I had little knowledge of things. Li has since evolved into a character that I care very much about, especially when I'm able to interact with friends in-game. Li experiences things much differently from others and has a different world view because of how he perceives things.
  • There is no special miracle planned to "fix" Li's disability. It is part of him and does not prevent him from living out his life. He is sometimes bitter about it, but he is not seeking for a way to get his hearing back.


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NPC Relationships - Warning for story spoilers

Minfilia [ ... ]


the first person that Li genuinely takes any interest in. Her enunciation is so clear that Li finds himself to understand more of what she's saying than he's ever been able to understand anyone since losing his hearing. He goes out of his way to pay close attention to what she says, even when she isn't addressing him directly. She is one of the few people he has met who is able to communicate in some sign language, even if she doesn't know a whole lot of words. Li has tried to show his thanks by actually talking to her. He knows that he doesn't speak well, but Minfilia appeared delighted the first time he made the attempt. He only talks to her when it's just the two of them and won't normally be vocal around others. Li does have an unrequited little baby crush on her that he hasn't really realized yet.

Extra notes:

Tataru [ ... ]


hard for Li to get along with at first, especially since she was prickly and he was impatient during their first interactions. By the time that the Scions move to Mor Dhona, the two of them are actually getting long well enough that Tataru is helping Li with his lackluster reading abilities. Due to his interest in crafting, she will often give him written instructions on how to craft new items; Li then has to figure out how to read through the directions and tends to learn a lot of new vocabulary related to crafting because of it. He will occasionally try to help Tataru with actual paperwork, but he still isn't quite to a level where he can actually do anything useful.

Extra notes:

Alphinaud [ ... ]


mostly a business relationship, where Li didn't at all notice how snooty Alphinaud acted towards him at first. By Heavensward, Li was fiercely preotective of Alphinaud until he started to regain some of his original confidence. Alphinaud is the only one who has witnessed Li at his most vulnerable, which neither of them discuss after the fact. Li will support any and all teasing of Alphinaud, though he rarely has anything to add himself.

Extra notes:

Alisaie [ ... ]


PARTNERS IN CRIME. They probably commit actual minor crimes together. Li is very on-board with her willingness to fight and compete and constantly encourages the behavior by participating, at least in the case where he doesn't start it himself. He very much believes that Alisaie can take care of herself, but he's always willing to jump to support her when things get difficult.

Extra notes:

Moenbryda [ ... ]


a quick friend for Li. He likes her from the moment they first meet. He playfully gives her the nickname "bully" and proceeds to only refer to her by that name, regardless of who he's communicating with. Li makes a point to hang out with her at every opportunity he gets. After her death, Li is distressed and very understanding towards those who also had a close relationship with her.

Extra notes:

Thancred [ ... ]


did not get much attention from Li until after Realm Reborn, when he was meant to be recovering. Li previously dismissed him as someone who was prone to a lot of muttering in a way that Li couldn't really understand when he thought no one was watching. Eventually, Li found it great fun whenever there were jokes or teasing at Thancred's expense. Li doesn't actually participate in the teasing himself as he isn't quick-witted enough for it, but he is very interested in whatever Thancred may be up to. Li does believe most of his boasting and actually aspires to be as skilled in battle as he believes Thancred to be.

Extra notes:

Urianger [ ... ]


the most difficult person for Li to understand, even when he's trying very hard. Li can't grasp the meaning of his words, which isn't helped when others seem similarly confused. In all honesty, Li isn't even sure what his name is. His lip-reading of names is sometimes poor, and Urangier's name is one of the most difficult that he has encountered yet. After losing Moenbryda, Li does turn more interest towards Urianger since he can understand at least a little of his sadness.

Extra notes:

Cid [ ... ]


big tiddies. Li tends to miss any and all directions that Cid gives him because he's too busy staring in some sort of confused awe. Cid also tends to forget that Li cannot hear him and doesn't notice when Li is fully spaced out while being given information.

Extra notes:

WoL Relationships

Voss Avalon [ Au Ra / Female ]


The first adventurer that Li ever met and spend any amount of time with. The two of them formed a sort-of alliance when they first met in Limsa. He found her shortly after she had joined the summoner's guild and proceeded to help out with some of her tasks there. Their first interaction was actually an extended, silent stare down in a heavily populated area. Li has a habit of wandering away to goof off when he's escorting Voss around, but she's very good at hunting him down when needed (whether or not he notices right away is a different story entirely). Voss will purposely get herself into dangerous situations so that Li feels forced to come bail her out of them. He finds it a little annoying to be used, but he can also tell that Voss has a lot of trust in his ability to keep her out of serious trouble. She also doesn't mock his inability to hear and honestly sometimes forgets about it. Voss has tried to explain to him about her ambitions to create a cult of her own, but her wording was a little above his ability to understand. Although he is not interested in joining the cult that Voss is trying to create, he also doesn't make fun of her for it.

Extra notes: Most of their interactions come from silly in-person conversations.

Owen Hawk [ Mi'qote / Female ]


A mentor that picked up Li by accident. She met him shortly after his first confused run through a dungeon. Owen proceeded to teach him the basics of how to work with a party, what to expect from different roles, and how best to utilize his skills. She has a very strong social network and has made efforts to get Li to interact with other adventurers. Owen is also fairly skilled with glamours and puts quite a bit of effort into creating fashionable outfits for each of her classes she has learned. Owen checks in on Li fairly often and is always up for clearing up any trouble or confusion that he runs into.

Extra notes: Owen is legit the reason that I understand the basics of the duty finder and how to pay attention to skill rotation.

Rhekesh Dezrahl [ Mi'qote / Male ]


The two of them met when Li was actually wandering around in an area that was much too difficult for his level at the time. Rhekesh introduced Li to mounts and gave Li his very first mount, which Li honestly didn't even know how to ride yet. The antelope stag that he received has since become his favorite mount to travel with. Li definitely discovered a fascination with flying when Rhekesh transported them around looking for fates to tackle together. Rhekesh is very skilled at fishing, something that Li is quite terrible with. When Rhekesh gets distracted with fishing, Li has a tendency to wander off and get himself into trouble. The two of them often end up involving fish or fishing when they hang out; they have made a point of visiting the Eorzean Aquarium together and sharing facts about fish there.

Extra notes: Rhekesh is the reason I learned about using mounts, traveling between servers, and actually a lot about fishing.

Rejnir Wickwillow [ Viera / Male ]


A traveler that Li got to cross paths with briefly, sent by Rhekesh. Li did not get the opportunity to adventure with Rejnir like he was hoping to, but he does watch out for when they have an opportunity to do so.

Kaoru Yasugo [ Mi'qote / Nonbinary ]


Li had heard many stories about Kaoru before he ever set out on his own travels. He made it a point to try to track them down and finally managed to do so in Ul'dah. He was so delighted to meet them for the first time that he approached with absolutely no context. Kaoru was initially wary of him, but that hesitation vanished as soon as they realized that Li was just excited and uncertain how to communicate that. Kaoru invited Li to join their free company, which he did uncertainly as a trial member for a time. It was only after he had left and grown as an adventurer that he decided to return as a permanent member of the free company. Kaoru has been a great source of information for Li, happily discussing other characters and their relations as he met them. Kaoru was also part of the group that accompanied Li on his first alliance raids, which were somewhat overwhelming but doable because of the company of friends. Li will often reach out to Kaoru for assistance through unfamiliar trials and they are always happy to go along. They have witnessed Li at his most stupid, including a time when they chased him through a forest for several minutes before he even realized they were there.

Extra notes: Kaoru is my go-to for all things headcanon. They also make me feel more confident when I'm afraid to go through new things for the first time and have taught me the joy of unrestricted parties in dungeons.

Enalya Dena [ Mi'qote / Female ]


A master crafter of great renown that Li heard about from Owen. Ena is a very high-leveled tactician and spends hours analyzing powerful enemies and drafting battle plans with her allies. She spends a lot of her time in battle directing her allies both to do damage and to avoid being injured. Li is rather intimidated by her knowledge and skills; while he's curious about spending time around her, he's also very aware that much of time is already dedicated to a lot of impressive tasks. Ena is responsible for sending Li instructions on how to utilize the free company workshop, which has led to him spending many hours holed up there to work on the company's submersible. Li often contacts her for tips on how to improve his construction abilities, which she easily explains in full.

Extra notes: No joke, I heard Ena's whole story YEARS ago and she's the main reason I know so many spoilers. I was constantly told that if I ever played, then I would need to help design the interior of her house. I now have full access to all of that. BUT we have still never met in-game, not counting a very short conversation over linkshell. It's becoming a running gag that Li and Ena have never met. I FOUND ENA BY ACCIDENT FINALLY!!

Khloe Bahka [ Mi'qote / Female ]


Li was actually an accomplice in trolling Khloe before the two of them ever met. He honestly did nothing more than assist with taking pictures when Kaoru showed him and Voss to Khloe's room for the first time, but he definitely did nothing to stop it. When they did first meet, Khloe judged Li's accessories to be lacking and set about creating him a more appropriate set for his level. When their party took on a particularly tricky dungeon, Khloe got overzealous as the group's tank and Li wound up finding the entire affair hilarious. Li is very impressed with Khloe's abilities as a tank and in leading groups, especially when the others are strangers to him.

Extra notes: fr though, Khloe is a fantastic tank and I aspire to be as bravely social as I've seen her be in large groups of strangers. Favorite pasttime is catching Khloe afk and sending screenshots of her on discord.

Nana Tachibana [ Mi'qote / Demigirl ]


A well-traveled adventurer that Li initially only heard about through rumors. He was so preoccupied with crafting when she first found him that he didn't notice her presence. He later discovered her hanging out on the roof of his free company. Nana joined Li on a number of successful runs through hard duties. The whole affair was rather chaotic as Li didn't really know what he was doing most of the time.

Deveroix Lanverlais [ Elezen / Male ]


Li met Deveroix while running an errand for Rhekesh. The two of them entered Ishgard at around the same time.

Neko Kage [ Mi'qote / Female ]


Li knew of Neko and attempted to offer assistance through some of her trials, but had a hard time catching her attention at first. It took him some trial and error before managing to get into contact for the first time, after which he was able to escort her to a location she hadn't visited before.