

Gender: Female

Species: Demon 

Sexuality: Aromantic 

Age: 417 Years Old

Height: 1,83 meters

Nationality: Brazilian

Birthday: November 9

Creation date: November 9, 2022

Designs Notes:

Optional demon wings

Elf ears

Please don't draw her with big boobs

She never wears too short clothes or sexual clothes 

Ears go down when she's upset/sad/scared/sleepy


Night Vison - Can see in the dark

*Shapeshifting - Can shapeshift into any creature(incluing mythical creatures and original species) as long as she knows how the creature looks like(she needs a visual representation or photo of the creature, written description doesn't work)

Teleportation - Can teleport for any place she wants

Umbrakinesis - Can control and create anything made of darkness/shadows

*Darkling Manipulation - Can create and control shadows/dark entities

*Shadow Camouflage + Shadow Stealth - Can become invisible as long as she is in shadows/darkness and can merge with shadows/darkness

*Not sure if i will keep this