
6 years, 3 months ago


Name: Tuscan Kathryn Gabree 

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Species: Human/Neko

Family: Jameson

Friends: Chance Lenico

Pero: Tuscan comes off as an awkward and erratic guy most of the time.  He can occasionally be very aggressive, though he doesn't realize it most of the time.  If you can get past the fact that he's always surrounded by strange loud creatures in another dimension, he is generally rather nice, though is often quite annoyed.  He really likes having friends, but don't have many, if any.

Bio: Tuscan was raised by his brother in an apartment, both of them were rather strange.  There was  another dimension overlaying their own, and they seemed to be the only people able to see the creatures there.  The creatures were quite rude, constantly distracting the two and making it almost impossible to have conversations.  Most regarded the two as crazy since they were always yelling at assumadly nothing.  Tuscan's brother wound up disappearing one day and he never showed up again.  Tuscan suspects the creatures in the other dimension had something to do with it, but has no way of proving it.

Every once in a while, Tuscan blacks out and is unable to remember what happened in a wide variance of time.  Sometimes it’s a few minutes, sometimes days.  He’s been unable to find out what he does when he blacks out.

Description: A tall male who is very tan and has lots of freckles.  Purple eyes and green-blue hair.  Often has scrapes and bruises.