Achille Andino



1 year, 7 months ago



Achille Andino

Ox Miraculous User
Male (He/Him)


Achille is a famous boxer in the making. He rarely focuses on school work so he’s been held back a year due to his poor performance in his classes. He’s also probably just taken one too many hits to the head. His father’s been training since he was little in the islands of Greece before he moved to Paris so his mother could be closer to her family.

He’s quiet and closed off and you can usually find him brooding in the back of the class, sitting next to Adele due to their assigned seats. He usually smells like a fucking gym so Adele constantly bickers with him about his stinky boy smell and how much of a brute he is. He’s a giant and a dangerous guy in the fighting ring and you can constantly see find him showing up to class with new injuries.

He may come off as a cool aloof badboy who doesn’t have time for friendships and relationships but he’s actually quite the softie, and seeing people in need of help really triggers him to jump into action. Cute things also seem to strike up a nerve in his chest and he tries to display how unaffected he is by it but he is so very much affected by sweet kind people wanting to do good. Showing emotions is hard for him since it’s been drilled in his mind at a young age what constitutes manliness and he constantly consumed by his toxic masculinity. Being Minotaur really helps him feel the soft emotions he never really lets himself feel.