Caleorix Solaz Andequis



1 year, 10 months ago

Basic Info








Variable, 5'7" normally


Variable, ~150lbs on average





Emotional Designation:

Embodiment of Passion

Demon Hierarchy:

Arch Derivative




- Natural Shapeshifting: Able to completely mould their physical shape to anything they choose with seemingly no limits on height, weight, organ structure, limb number or non-human features
- Eternal Life: Formed with an adult body, mind and intelligence from the moment of creation, does not seem to age beyond various cosmetic changes and increased experiences
- Pyrokinesis: Caleorix possesses a form of fire generation and manipulation thanks to a gem embedded in their lower left arm

Some 2000-odd years ago, a young human was sacrificed as some form of early proto-Christian worship somewhere in the Mediterranean. The reasons for this sacrifice are unknown to archaeologists, but they've theorised the victim, only twenty-one years or so at the time, had committed a perceived act of heresy. Bequeathed to the embrace of The Great Mother Lilith, Caleorix Solaz Andequis as they have named themself, is the demonic embodiment of Passion, holding the 20th spot in the Hierarchy. Remembering very little from their time on the surface of the planet, Caleorix, or Cal, has spent their time in [realm of demons name] experimenting with their physical appearance more than most other demons. One of the only things outside of universally understood things Cal remembers from their time alive is that they lived on a small island, and as such has an affinity for beach towns. Whether this is influenced by the number of attractive women in swimwear often found at said beaches has not been confirmed, though The Great Mother Lilith wouldn't judge them for it. Lilith herself took Cal in on personal choice, something not often seen by any of The Six. Often asked why she made the choice to accept a mutilated young corpse, her reasoning has been simple. She wished to show the upstart a love they had been denied, be it her own maternal love, or in time the love of a partner. Caleorix is the seventh youngest demon, with only Infatuation, Frustration, Humiliation, Insecurity, Isolation and Arrogance being younger than them. 

Below depicts Demon Hierarchy, with lower numbers denoting generally higher importance, power and influence. The Prime Derivatives (7-9, 22-26, etc) are "stronger" than all Arch Derivatives (10-21, 27-41, etc) regardless of number, and likewise all Arch Derivatives are "stronger" than all Precise Derivatives (42, 71-73, and 120). 0 is missing.

The Great Mother Lilith - Love 1
- Affection 7 -> Adoration 10, Fondness 11, Appreciation 12, Attraction 13, Caring 14, Tenderness 15, Compassion 16, Malape Alspex - Kindness 17, Sentimentality 18
- Natalia - Lust 8 -> Desire 19, Caleorix Solaz Andequis - Passion 20, Infatuation 21
- Longing 9

The Burn - Anger 2
- Irritability 22 -> Aggravation 27, Annoyance 28 -> Emeser - Frustration 42
- Rage 23 -> Fury 29, Hostility 30, Bitterness 31, Hate 32, Scorn 33, Spite 34, Vengefulness 35, Resentment 36
- Disgust 24 -> Rejection 37, Revulsion 38, Contempt 39, Loathing 40
- Envy 25 -> Jealousy 41
- Torment 26

Those That Weep - Sadness 3
- Suffering 43 -> Hurt 50, Angst 51, Agony 52
- Melancholy 44 -> Depression 53, Despair 54, Gloom 55, Glumness 56, Sorrow 57, Woe 58, Misery 59
- Grief 45
- Disappointment 46 -> Usyl - Dismay 60, Displeasure 61
- Shame 47 -> Guilt 63, Regret 63, Remorse 64, Boron - Embarrassment 65 -> Myrddin Aurelius - Humiliation 71, Insecurity 72
- Neglect 48 -> Alienation 66, Defeatism 67, Dejection 68, Loneliness 69 -> Isolation 73
- Sympathy 49 -> Pity 70

Lucius - Fear 4
- Horror 74 -> Alarm 76, Shock 77, Fright 77, Terror 79, Panic 80, Hysteria 81, Mortification 82
- Nervousness 75 -> Anxiety 83, Suspense 84, Unease 85, Apprehension 86, Worry 87, Distress 88, Dread 89

The Faceless One - Surprise 5
- Amazement 90
- Astonishment 91

The Conductor - Joy 6
- Cheer 92 -> Dinaté - Amusement 99, Bliss 100, Glee 101, Delight 102, Happiness 103, Jubilation 104, Elation 105, Satisfaction 106, Euphoria 107, Ecstasy 108
- Zest 93 -> Enthusiasm 109, Excitement 110, Thrill 111, Exhilaration 112
- Contentment 94 -> Pleasure 113
- El-yon - Pride 95 -> Triumph 114, Confidence 115, Cockiness 116 -> Emmanuel Nazzar - Arrogance 120
- Optimism 96 -> Eagerness 117, Hope 118
- Enthrallment 97 -> Rapture 119
- Relief 98