


1 year, 10 months ago



•Full Name
•Blood type
• Lumi
• Female
• June 14th
• 22 Years
• Earth x Ice Hybrid
• A-
• Alive
• Demisexual
• Neve, Snowball, Snowy
• None

Physical Description

• Yes
• No
• No

Character Information

•First Appearance
•Voice Actor
• NA
• NA
• Adult
• Traveller

Stats / Strengths 

  • Elemental P.
  • Physical P.
  • Defense
  • Elemental D.
  • Speed
  • Stamina
  • Scores 5,5/6
  • Scores 6/6
  • Scores 6/6
  • Scores 4/6
  • Scores 3,5/6
  • Scores 5/6

Advantage / Disadvantage 




Common moves

  • Drowning snow: Like all species they too can release an "energy ball" with for them ice as it's type. But when concentrating and using more energy they can transform their energy ball into a giant ball of concentrated snow. While this is rather slow, the effect can be quite damaging. After all this move is used to mimic an avalanche, so the goal is to trap a wolf. Depending on the purpose, suffocation is one of them that's very effective.
  • Stalagmites: This move is used to trap or severely damage an opponent. Giant spikes of Ice will raise out of the ground, as this move is paired with their ability "Frost will". The greater the skill of the individual the faster the move is.
  • Ice breath: Ice wolves will release a chilling breath that will drop the temperature of their opponent significantly.
  • Freeze:  With this move they will concentrate their elemental power on their paws, upon touch they can freeze down an opponent to slow them down or trap them. Since other species do have elemental defenses, the move will never succeed in freezing them to death. However if combined with "Ice breath" that could differ. They are also known to use this move to change water to ice, as this helps crossing lakes. They can freeze but not defrost. 
  • Ice crystals: With this move they'll generate ice crystals which they'll launch at opponents. The crystals themselves are really sharp but can melt away like any snow can. It's a move that is frequently used by Ice wolves when threatened. 
  • Healflakes: This move has one purpose only, which is to heal. They will shake their pelt as their manes will release small snowflakes into the air. As it falls down upon them it will heal them. This move cannot fix devastating damage such as broken limbs, and so on. But if bruised, or low on elemental energy, this move will help them to recover it. This could mean life or death, as they could gain the upper hand if they succeed in healing themselves during battle. They have to be careful though as their move can also heal their opponent would they catch the healflakes. 


Even though Lumi looks like an earth wolf, she inherited the behaviour of the ice species. Being extremely kind and gentle, Lumi is known by many to help those in need from times to times, just like her brother who is also a hybrid, their intimidating look is completely the opposite of who they truly are. She is a great healer and loves to learn new things, knowledge for her is a important thing. 


Lumi features all the traits found in a female earth wolf except for the additional mane on her back that goes all the way down to her tail, this mane/tail comes from her father, a male ice wolf. Her coloration comes from the ice wolves, especifically the males, she features an all nearly white pelt while her mane/tail and the markings on her hind legs feature a light blue color. Her face has symbols mainly underneath her eyes, eyebrows, cheeks, chin and a diamond like symbol on her forehead. Her front paws also features symbols on her feets and two stripes on both legs. Her eyes are blue and were inherited from her grandfather. While she has the body of an earth wolf, she is relative small compared to their average size, measuring 168cm from her shoulder.


Born in a litter of three from a female earth wolf and a male ice wolf, Lumi was the second hybrid of the siblings alongside her brother Gelisol who was also a hybrid while their last brother was a pure hybrid. The three siblings grew up in the icelands with their father, the parents were too scared of letting their children go outside of the lands and be killed by the Shadow Clans, so they remained with their father while their mother would go back to her original pack and come back to visit them daily. Lumi grew up making a lot of friends and while her father was away hunting with the pack, the three siblings would be watched by a friend of them, a elderly Neraion who would take care of the pups in the meantime. 

When they reached 5 years old, Lumi went to the border of the Ice Lands to wait for her mother's arrival, but after a long time she never showed up, her father came in next to her and sadly told his daughter that her mother would never return again and that she was dead, killed by shadow wolves. Lumi was depressed for a long time and looked for comfort on her brothers, as time passed by, they grew close together due to their loss and became very protective towards each other.

Nowadays, Lumi and her brothers travel together with a small group of ice wolves around all over the Ice Lands, they are known as nomads and like to explore the vast places that no ice wolf has ever gone before. Even though, Lumi never left her homeland, one day the curiosity took the best of her and she left her home, just to never been seen again, her brother noticing his sister's disappearance, took off to go look for her.

To be continued...


- Her name means light and endurance, beautiful.

- She is 168cm, even thought she has the body of an earth wolf, she is relative smaller than them or an ice wolf.

- She has a brother who is also a earth x ice hybrid named Gelisol and a pure hybrid brother named Kayeah, they're all from the same litter.

- She inherited her symbols from her grandmother and her eyes from her grandfather.

- She was raised by a deaf elder neraion with her brothers when she was young.

- She loves frozen treats, it's her all time favorite snack. She also loves fish a lot.

- Since her element is not earth, she has no problem getting inside a lake and will go into the water without fear, as she is a good swimmer and her ice element won't interfere on anything.

- She is often mistaken by a male ice wolf if looked from behind and far away.

- She likes bury herself on deep snow and will sleep inside small holes dug on the snow rather than inside a den.

- Loves to build sculptures made out of snow, her favorite being the snowolves.

- Due to her earth pelt, she doesn't get extremely hot in areas where the heat is extreme.

- She is weirdly scared of frogs.

- She has a habit of daydreaming a lot and this usually gets her in trouble.

- Brushes her fur from time to time, she likes to keep herself clean and her fur shiny, however, she is not opposed to the idea of getting dirty, she doesn't mind blood or mud on her fur and will not freak out if her fur is dirty for a long time.

- She is often seen sleeping curled up with her tail, those close to her know why she sleeps like that.