Woohoo & Hoowoo



1 year, 7 months ago


Science Fiction

"GOD, I wish there was wine in Hell."

name: Woohoo Bumbonk
nickname: Woo
age: 30s
gender: Male (he/him)
race: Human
orientation: Gay
relationship status: Single
occupation: Clown

Woohoo is a newcomer to the Constant who is convinced that he's basically died and gone to Hell. While he may be a clown in occupation, there is always trouble in paradise for Woohoo as he is often depressed and flat out mean.

Under the makeup and cranky demeanour however is a genuinely kind and intelligent man who has simply been handed a rotten set of life circumstances.


Emotional. Headstrong. Impulsive.

Woohoo takes a first impression he gets from someone and rolls with it. This can cause him to be somewhat judgemental and apprehensive at first, but as he gets to know someone better he warms up to them. His blunt way of speaking often causes him to come off as rude, which is only made worse by his difficulty apologizing.


  • mathematics
  • wine
  • gossip
  • cold weather
  • balloons
  • cats

  • He was born somewhere between the states of Ohio and West Virginia.
  • He is the oldest of seven siblings.
  • Despite being raised in a family of clowns, he's always wanted to be an accountant.
Design Notes

  • opt: Hoowoo
  • opt: the props
  • not opt: hairclips/party hat

I am terrible at character references and I'm too lazy to make a proper ref sheet right now, but this art from an art trade is a good representation of what to include in his design when he is drawn.

Hoowoo does not have to be on his head or in the image, but it will make him sad.


The Bumbonks

Woohoo comes from a long line of professional clowns known as the Bumbonks. These expert entertainers were basically celebrities in their small town and would travel the Americas spreading their love for comedy and joy. While Woohoo followed in their footsteps, he found that he did not enjoy being a professional clown as much as the rest of his family did...

Accountant Arc

Woohoo would meet his to-be boyfriend Matthew during a performance in New York. The pair met after the show and kicked it off. Matthew was a clever mathematician and accountant, and while he should have been the most boring person alive to someone like Woohoo, the two had an instant connection and the clown’s interest in numbers was sparked.

His family disapproved of him stepping away from comedy and after a faling out, Woohoo would become estranged. He would move in with Matthew and go to school to learn all he could about numbers.

Constant Misery

After years of little contact from his family, Woohoo and Matthew were unexpectedly invited to a family reunion in the clown's hometown... During their attendance, a freak accident would throw Woohoo's life into chaos, resulting in him being visited by the voice of a mysterious woman over a broken radio. She promised him that for a small price, he could have the last laugh...


Hoowoo SON

Stealing a Tallbird egg in desperation the day he entered the Constant, Woohoo accidentally hatched it and couldn't bring himself to eat the Smallbird the emerged from inside. naming it Hoowoo (he's bad at names), it is now his son.

Wally Hulland Companion

The first person Woohoo met in the Constant. He pulled Wally out of a tree and after confirming that the strange young man was not a hallucination, dragged him along for his chaotic misadventures.
