Dark Roast Axinite



1 year, 6 months ago


Dark Roast Axinite



Gem Placement


Era Made

Era 2


Fashion Designer



MoHs Scale

6.5 - 7



A unique type of gem that stands as a designer and trend setter for the Empire. Only a handful of Axinites exist and while they are only considered only a standard elite to lots of gems they are on par with most of the Empire's highest elites. Axinite works closely with morganites of all kinds, mainly to bring the clothing they design to life. He has a pearl, Mocha Pearl, that aids him in both getting designs to work and as a model when needed. Mocha being a model for Axinite isn’t often since there is an entire class of gems that does that, Porcelains. Dark Roast, like any Axinite, has a mirror that they can summon that instead of having a gem poofed can instead manipulate and change the light of a gem’s form into whatever the Axinite may want it or be. Most commonly this is used on elites and rarely on pearls, since pearls can be customized by the Nacres of the Empire. Axinite is known throughout the empire for their skill in design and giving elites the look they want almost perfectly every time. Overall they are a treasure to the Empire that they are lucky to have, and this Axinite is considered a perfect cut, which is even more rare considering the rareness of the gem type as a whole.

You are fabulous already, however I can make you look even better!

- Dark Roast Axinite

The Sunrise Court


  • Dark Roast works closely with a Morganite in the same court to design clothing and what not for the Empire.
  • They work in a subcategory of the Sunrise Court that specializes in clothing and design, not many gems are a part of it sadly.
  • Axinite isn’t actually Mocha Pearl’s first owner, he’s one of many that the pearl has had, but thankfully was able to get her design changed to match him more closely.
  • Axinite’s purpose actually ties into their real life spiritual meaning which is that they are used as “mirrors” to reflect on past and future lives.