


6 years, 3 months ago


Donovan Sycamore

Professor in Training


  1. Biography
  2. History
  3. Trivia
  4. Playlist
  5. Design Notes


Having given up being a trainer after the Geosenge incident with Team Flare, Donovan has now taken up the task of becoming a Professor of Pokemon. He's unsure of taking over the lab one his adopted father figure retires, but is enjoying working with pokemon and following his new path. He's still soft-spoken with low confidence, but he's found he feels more at home working with pokemon than following the gym circuit and battling with them. He's a bit of a recluse, and is easily overshadowed with it comes to being around people.

"To the Person Reading this:"


Donovan Corundum was born to Petalburg Gym leader Jasmine Corundum. The gym leader led a very busy life, especially once you added on the fact that she was a Hero of Hoenn, a title given to her for her role in the Team Aqua + Magma Disaster. From a rather young age, Donovan was looking after himself (with the help of his mothers' pokemon) and often was left home alone for his waking hours. Jasmine would leave before he woke, and be home after he'd gone to bed. He was unaware of it at the time, but she'd refuse offers of time off, or to take him with her, and would claim him old enough to be on his own.

He attended school in Rustboro, where his teacher MR. Savett often tried to step in as an adult figure in his life. He made time for Donovan as often as he could, and would often drive him home rather than have him make the long walk twice in a day. When head of Lysandre Labs, Lysandre himself, came to visit at the Devon Corperation and then the Trainer school, Mr. Savett asked if the man wouldn't mind sparing a moment for Donovan alone. He hoped that figure would inspire some confidence in Donovan, who was sorely lacking it in every way. Not only did Lysandre agree, but he saw something in Donovan and asked if the boy would be interested in joining the Kalos Trainer-Internship. After it was talked over with Prof. Birch, and briefly with Jasmine, Donovan was off to live with the Kalos Professor, Professor Sycamore just after his 10th birthday.

It was this event that made a large difference in Donovan's life. Sycamore saw the way Donovan was desperate for a positive adult figure in his life, and effectively stepped in with Lysandre, as well as Diantha. Over the next two years of living with Prof. Sycamore, Donovan came to see him and Lysandre as father figures, and was eager for his journey to start once he turned 14. His starter was a Treeko gifted to him before he'd left Hoenn, and the majority of his journey was rather standard. He felt rare confidence he'd never felt in himself before, and then the Geosenge incident occured.

Donovan was crushed to know that one of the two most important figures was actually a villain who'd been hiding his plans to wipe clean the world and begin anew. Lysandre tried coaxing the boy to his side, claiming a mother who neglected her own so badly was just one of many examples of the selfishness of humans. When Donovan refused, and begged him to stop, Lysandre simply said that his childish mind prevented him from understanding.

After Lysandre was presumed dead after the Geosenge Incident, Donovan gave up on the gym circuit and retreated back to Lumiose City and secluded himself within the labs for the next few years, unwilling to interact with anyone outside of lab staff or pokemon. When he turned 18, at Professor Sycamore's plea, he took a trip to Johto for a Research Basics class. It was then he met Strawberry, a wild shiny Sentret that had been abandoned, and suddenly gained interest in becoming a pokemon professor.

Sycamore gladly encouraged the newfound passion, and helped him begin his path towards becoming a professor. A trip to Alola had him gifted a shiny Pyukumuku from a local who said it matched his shoes. At 20, he finally finished the eighth gym as an attempt at closure, but his emotions were still raw. He fears the damage will never be undone, but is healing in other ways. To celebrate his 8th badge, Donovan legally changed his name to Donovan Sycamore, in honor of his adopted father figure, and Sycamore proudly claimed him as his son.


  • Donovan used to own a female Pyroar, named Fleur after Lysandre. After Geosenge, he asked Sycamore to rehome it, as he felt unable to ever care for her again.
  • Donovan frequently has nightmares about Geosenge, and feels guilty that he was unable to convince Lysandre to back down.
  • Donovan has no contact with Jasmine, and has never been back to Hoenn. At this point, he's not sure he'd ever recognize her if he saw her.
  • Donovan's OG last name is Corundum, which is reference to how scientifically speaking, rubies and sapphires are the same mineral (corundum). (The games of Hoenn)


Top Surgery Scars!
Round face, on the chubby side
Curly, Shoulder length hair (In a loose ponytail)
Has a Battle team + a Research team

Name Donovan, Don, Donnie
Gender Trans Man (he/Him)
Trainer Class Research Fellow
Age 22
Height 5'3"
Weight On the chubbier side