
1 year, 7 months ago

Basic Info



Date of Birth

November 13th




Medearis, Mai, Rukko, Oscar






Bisexual with Female Lean


Ribbon Eel

Weapon of Choice



Nemorosa, Alicante, training with Alicante, Oscar, Darts, Knife-Throwing, banter, scaring Reeve and Oscar, Asher, Amai


Ranjit, Aleya, others who see her as a fool, Medearis always on her about manners (though she knows they mean well), cooking


Honest, Reactionary, Rude


Raised up in the same orphanage as her best friend Nemorosa. She would be brought in at a young age due her mother not having the money to support. Her and Nemorosa started becoming menaces at a young age at the orphanage with their stealing, getting into fights, being disobedient, etc. Like her best friend, the elders at the orphanage weren't fans of the two since they'd cause the biggest headaches. The older workers would try to physical punish her like Nemorosa. Problem was, she'd dish it back just as hard leaving bruises and whatnot on the elders. With the other orphans, they gravitated to her as a guardian as sorts.

When the day had came for when Nemorosa had been adopted and left her alone, she was distraught and to an extent jealous. She felt lonely, despite the others at the orphanage her age who stayed close and relied on her. She'd started to not act herself and just started taking the punishment from the people at the orphanage. This would continue until one day she snapped at one worker to which she drew blood on them. Fed up, she'd run away from the orphanage.

After a few years of living on her own, she managed to get by doing bodyguard work. It was cheap but it managed to get a roof over her head in the rough part of town. Someone she was guarding started to pull underhanded stuff on her. Not one to take anyone take advantage of her, she punched him in the face. What she did was called for, but it ended up being her undoing. His gang would start a full blown manhunt onto her to kill her. Now on the run, she had to go into hiding for her own safety.

By sheer luck during the night, she tried to steal a inkling boy's wallet. To her was her childhood friend's wallet, Nemorosa. Though they talked for a bit and caught up with each other, it was short lived as she told him she was on the run. Quick on his thinking, she grabbed her hand and the best friends made a run for it out of the area and out of harms way. She now works as a newbie maid for her best friend and a whole new environment.