


1 year, 10 months ago



  •  Class + Level Monk [1]
  •  Alignment [NG]
  •  Race [Lizardfolk]

  •  Gender [F]
  •  Height [7'6"]
  •  Weight [250 lb]

  •  Age [25]
  •  Deity [satan]
  •  Homeland [n/a I'll edit later]





















Nonlethal 0
Total 7
DR 0



Touch 14
Flat-footed 13



CMB -3
CMD 10









Spell Resist


Base Speed

30 ft

(6 sq)

With Armor

30 ft

(6 sq)


0 ft



10 ft


0 ft


0 ft

  • Acrobatics
  • Appraise
  • Bluff
  • Climb
  • Craft Leatherworking
  • Craft ___
  • Craft ___
  • Diplomacy
  • Disable Device *
  • Disguise
  • Escape Artist
  • Fly
  • Handle Animal *

  • Heal
  • Intimidate
  • Knowledge (Arcana) *
  • Knowledge (Dungeoneering) *
  • Knowledge (Engineering) *
  • Knowledge (Geography) *
  • Knowledge (History) *
  • Knowledge (Local) *
  • Knowledge (Nature) *
  • Knowledge (Nobility) *
  • Knowledge (Planes) *
  • Knowledge (Religion) *
  • Linguistics *

  • Perception
  • Perform ___
  • Perform ___
  • Profession ___ *
  • Profession ___ *
  • Ride
  • Sense Motive
  • Sleight of Hand *
  • Spellcraft *
  • Stealth
  • Survival *
  • Swim*
  • Use Magic Device *


  • Weapon Finesse

Special Abilities

  • Sneak Attack
  • Spark (Sp)


  • Common

Carrying Capacity

Light 0–20 lb
Medium 21–40 lb
Heavy 41–60 lb
Over Head 60 lb
Off Ground 120 lb
Drag 300 lb


CP 0
SP 5
GP 54
PP 0


  • Meat Chunk  1
  • Cheese Chunk  1
  • Bedroll  1
  • Waterskin  1
  • 50ft hemp rope  1
  • Grapple Hook    1
  • Arrows  17
  • Backpack  1
  • Shiny Rock
  • Acid Splash Scroll
  • Shiny Red Rock
  • Chattering Skull
Total Weight 18.5 lb


  • Punch Dagger  1d3 + 1
  • Sickle  1d4 + 1
  • Shortbow  1d4 + 1
  • Masterwork Dagger

AC Items

  • Leather Armour

Bonus 2
Penalty 0
Sp Fail 10%
Weight 15 lb


  • Known|Save DC|Level|Per Day|Bonus
  • 0 0 0th 0 0
  • 0 0 1st 0 0
  • 0 0 2nd 0 0
  • 0 0 3rd 0 0
  • 0 0 4th 0 0
  • 0 0 5th 0 0
  • 0 0 6th 0 0
  • 0 0 7th 0 0
  • 0 0 8th 0 0
  • 0 0 9th 0 0
Domain/School [info]


  • Spell
  • Spell
  • Spell


0 used

  • Spell
  • Spell
  • Spell


0 used

  • Spell
  • Spell
  • Spell


0 used

  • Spell
  • Spell
  • Spell


0 used

  • Spell
  • Spell
  • Spell


0 used

  • Spell
  • Spell
  • Spell


0 used

  • Spell
  • Spell
  • Spell


0 used

  • Spell
  • Spell
  • Spell


0 used

  • Spell
  • Spell
  • Spell


0 used

  • Spell
  • Spell
  • Spell


Small Size: +4 to stealth checks

Trapfinding: A rogue adds 1/2 her level to Perception skill checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device skill checks (minimum +1). A rogue can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps.

Echo Whistler: By observing the noises in underground tunnels, you learned to uncannily  mimic any voice or sound you heard. Three times per day, you can  attempt to trick someone in this way by making a Bluff check against the listener’s Sense Motive check. You get a +2 circumstance bonus on this check if you’re in tunnels or other structures where your voice can echo.

Prehensile Tail: Your tail is especially flexible and strong, so you’ve learned to use it for both movement and simple tricks. You gain a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics and Climb checks, and you can use your tail to draw a hidden weapon as a move action instead of as a standard action. This racial trait replaces the armor racial trait.

Dark Vision: Kobolds can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.

Light Sensitivity: Kobolds lives in darkness have caused them to suffer from light sensitivity.

Red Scales:
Fire resistant: +5 points of fire resistance
Smoke Resistant: Your vision isn’t impaired by non-magical smoke, and you gain a +5 trait bonus on Fortitude saves to avoid coughing and choking because of smoke inhalation. This  trait confers no benefits against magically created smoke, such as that  produced by pyrotechnics.
Firebug: You are able to cast spark three times per day as a spell-like ability. The caster level is equal to your character level. This spell-like ability’s save DC is Intelligence-based.


Kif is a red-scaled kobold, standing at 3 feet tall. He has large floppy ears and ridges leading to them that trail up his forehead, and his eyes are a pleasant yellow. His neck, belly, and the underside of his tail are highlighted in a soft, pale yellow. This same yellow is present on his palms and soles, giving the unique illusion of paw pads. Unlike other kobolds, he has no horns. He wears nondescript leather armour, light enough to refrain from being cumbersome. He also wears a navy-blue thief's hood fashioned from the cloth he's worn since childhood. Under that, he sports a navy-blue headband he ties around the base of his neck, both ends of which tail behind him. He'll sometimes untie it, tying it around his head in lieu of the hood not actually fitting. His armour, instead of featuring a belt, has a sash, the same navy-blue as his hood and headband. In pouches attached to this sash, he owns a punch dagger and a sickle. He also carries a shortbow and quiver.


Kif was born alone, unbonded to the clutch with which he shared blood. A bastard hatchling, his father having fled with his stolen children. He alone was forgotten, left behind in the arms of his broodmother, by whom he was cared for deeply. As the son of a traveling merchant, he was no stranger to leaving everything behind for the next place, though this never brought him understanding for his own situation. As he grew older, this never changed.
As his 5th birthday approached, he and his mother came unto a small town, where she intended to peddle her wares, he soon met a pair of patrolling military men. Following a hasty physical examination, the decision was made on the spot that Kif would be the latest of the young men of all races drafted to fight for the region. A shortsword and shortbow thrust into his hands, the scared young child was pushed onto the battlefield. It didn't take long for Kif to learn that with his stature, he couldn't afford to be captured. He taught himself to move through his environment undetected, striking his would-be assailants at their most vulnerable points. It isn't known how many lives he took, only that he was only ever seen before and after the battle. This war would only be waged for a single month, however upon his return to the town he was taken from, he was distraught to find no trace of his mother, leaving him truly alone.
Some years later, a local tavernkeep began to notice a steep decline in the quantity of pests his traps were pulling in. Taking it upon himself to investigate, he found a malnourished young kobold had taken up residency in his cellar, living on the rats and roaches he was hunting down. By now, Kif was 7, but wouldn't last much longer. The generous tavernkeep, Marcel, made the decision to adopt the youngling, naming him after the small coughing noise he tended to often make, specifically in the moment Marcel demanded to know who he was.
Initially, Marcel intended for Kif to assist in the kitchen, however his first attempt at cooking went quickly awry as Kif displayed an awakening in his red-scaled heritage, the kitchen going up in flames as a result of his Spark. Marcel opted for Kif to keep at the extermination gig in the cellar until he had better self-control.
Eight years have passed. Kif is now 15.
He still keeps the tavern pest-free, occasionally helping out in the kitchen on especially busy days. He's all too aware his life is half-over, his mortality more fragile by the day. He clings to his childlike demeanor, dreading his inevitable death and resenting his absurdly reduced lifespan. Despite his closeness to his surrogate father Marcel, and the toll time has taken on his body too, Kif knows he doesn't want to die here. He knows his way of living is comfortable, yet shallow, He craves adventure.

Experience Points
