


1 year, 7 months ago


Name: Kainda Sunjata

Age: 19

Faction: Senshi

Appearance: To begin with, Kainda has darker skin that is mocha colored. She has a full face with a squared chin. Her black hair is fairly long, falling straight to her waist. Her bangs fall in three chunks. One long chunk falls down the center of her face down to the tip of her nose. The other two frame her face and go down as far as her earlobes. Her eyes are light brown. She’s very tall, standing at 6’. She’s quite slender and athletic. She tends to keep her nails trimmed very short and tends to bite them when she’s nervous, regardless of their length. She never wears makeup of any kind, but she does love earrings. Both of her ear lobes are pierced and she often wears cuffs on the top of her ears.

As far as her clothing in concerned, she likes to wear long pants and sleeveless shirts. She enjoys wearing necklaces with clunky pendants, thick bracelets, and anklets.

Personality: She tends to not care what other people think about her, nor does she particularly care what other people do with their lives so long as it doesn’t involve people getting hurt. She wears what she wants, says what she wants. She’s not entirely an unpleasant person. She despises bullies and has a tendency to protect those who suffer a bully’s attention. She loves music and plays the bass with some skill. She likes cats and eagles but doesn’t like dogs of any kind. She doesn’t like sweets or fruit, but enjoys asparagus. She has an interest in archaeology and history, but that’s as much interest as she shows in anything outside of music. Her parents hope that this interest will eventually become a career of some sort.

Flaws: She holds grudges long past the time when a normal person would have let it drop. Physically, she has a weak left knee. It was dislocated as a child and still pains her. She’s quite technologically illiterate. She knows enough to get by, but that’s it. She’s generally rebellious towards anyone she perceives as an authority figure and that includes her parents.

Outside influences: She’s largely influenced by the music she listens to and the attitudes of her favorite singers. She often sits and listens to her grandmother’s stories. It’s those stories that sparked her interest in archaeology and history.


Influence: Sphinx

Henshin yo: Sekhmet Huntress, Make Up!

Henshin: After she speaks the words of her henshin, she becomes surrounded by twining beams of golden light. Her wings sprout from her back, though the right one soon fades away, leaving only the left one and the tufts of feathers. The glow becomes her fuku and then fades away.


-Head and hair: Her long black hair ties back into a bun so that it can be tucked under her hood. The hood is tan colored and sports a pair of lion ears on the top. The hood attaches to the back of her bodysuit.

-Ears: Her ears are mostly hidden under her hood.

-Neck: Around her neck she wears a thick black string dotted with gold beads at even intervals. From each bead a black lion claw is suspended.

-Collarbone and chest: Her sailor collar is black and made of fur. There is a small tear on the right hand side of the collar where the bodysuit can be seen through.

-Body: The only article of clothing she wears on her body is a skin tight tan bodysuit with a wide tear down the middle and a chunk missing out of the left hip.

-Gloves and hands: She wears a pair of gloves on each hand that leave the fingers exposed. The gloves are tan with thick black bands around the top. Her fingernails grow, becoming long and curved like a lions.

-Thighs and legs: Her legs are bare down to the knees where her boots start.

-Boots and feet: Her boots are tan colored with black fur on the tops. The boots themselves are shaped to look like a lion’s paws. The right boot has a massive chunk ripped out of the instep. The left boot as a small hole around the inside ankle and a rip near the top on the front of the boot.

-Extras: As her animal influence is the Sphinx, she has half a pair of wings. The left wing is completely intact, but the right one seems to have been torn off. Only clumps of feathers remain.

Power: Hunt of the Lioness

Type: offensive

Range: It’s a close attack with a range of only a few feet.

Description: She holds her hands down at her hips, palms touching her thighs. Her feet are spread at shoulder width. She raises her right hand up above her head, speaking the words of her attack. She sweeps that hand down in front of her, bending it at the elbow with her fist clenched in front of her face. She glows a bright gold and then punches her hand out at her target, sending a lion made of golden energy running at the target.

Target: Single person.

Weapons: Sekhmet carries a long spear decorated with tufts of black fur. The golden spear head is serrated.

History: Her family recent emigrated to Chalice from Earth. Her mother got a job there as the administrator for one of the two academies. Her father works as a hunter to keep the city supplied with meat. She has two younger brothers that attend the primary school while she attends the academy that her mother works at. Her grandmother moved with them to help take care of the kids. She considers her life to be fairly typical except for the bike accident in which she damaged her knee. That particular incident is only important because the pain still affects her. She doesn’t really like being on Chalice, but she tolerates it for now, figuring that she’ll leave once she’s graduated. Little does she know how that feeling will change.

Quote: (something your character would say, or might be said about or to your character)