
her name is melody! she is a college student, with hopes of becoming a professional web designer who lives off microwavable pizzas and fanta. she works at an old music and move joint shop, similarly to block buster - whose nearly out of business due to the times changing so her paycheck isn’t the best and she is constantly worried about the store shutting down and losing her job. shes very into retro and yk2 fashion as well as her belongings. one day, she receives a text message on her phone from an unknown number, assuming it to be someone texting the wrong person, she ignored it. however, the texts began to get more and more specific, only arriving at certain times of the day known as angel numbers! theyre all warnings and pieces of advice, basically predicting the future. 

she decides to use this knowledge for good (after being throughly freaked out of course!) and becomes a blogger/semi hero in her town! attempting to track down the cause of the warnings to the best of her abilities, but as of now it remains a mystery! 

she believes in the paranormal, some might even say she is paranoid, after confiding in her friend about the messages she suggested it to be caused by ghosts which her friend quickly shut down and told her to be realistic and change her number since it might be a dangerous stalker. safe to say she doesnt listen to that friend lol

she is autistic and has bpd! she also has chronic pain in her knees and owns reptiles (her father owned a reptile store when she was younger, which caused her interest and knowledge in them!)

she’s very free spirited but also very burnt out! very tired as of late, since the days feel like theyre repeating for her and she feels as though now a days things are slower and less exciting the more she gets older. with this new “power” of hers, she feels like she has a greater purpose and her world feels like it has “color” again if that makes sense :] kinda like fiona from fiona and cake mixed with bee from bee and puppycat?