Ke Melancholi



6 years, 3 months ago


Basic Information:

Name:                                                  Ke Melancholi

Age:                                                      70

Gender:                                                Female

Species/Race:                                      Ram Demon (Life Demon) 

Sexuality/Orientation:                       Queer

Partner(s):                                           Asha (Husband/Wife), Inks (husband)

Occupation:                                        Queen of al'aradi almuzalama (Dark Lands)  

Abilities:                                             Healer, Nature creation -Can create natural structures from own life energy-, Purification, Nature Regeneration -Can heal the                                                                land around herself by touch- 


Ke is a sona who grew a life of her own inside the realm of Grie. She comes from a special Ram species who can connect with the life tree of the world. doing this allows her to communicate, regenerate, and grow nature. However, melding ones consciousness with the Tree of Life is a dangerous act. While connected, it leaves the demon vulnerable to attack and ultimately death (Which has happened to Ke during the first war. Asha had brought her back afterwards). Connection to the Tree of Life also exhausts the demon physically and mentally, and if not careful, it could drain one of their life force completely. Her people nearly went Extinct during a coup d'etat executed by her mother, a coup d'etat that nearly cost her her life as an infant.