( Ribunnies)ノ・゚✧・



1 year, 7 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Trade
For Offer
$15 - $40


Traits list
(will likely be added to, suggestions welcome)
Note: Each trait has a description, but if you have any questions I'm more than happy to answer em
Note #2: Ribunnies is the plural form of the word, Ribunny is the singular

Bow references
(Just a list of bow types I've found, feel free to use any of these)

Myo slot prices:
Normal $15
Rare $20
Super Rare $30
Super Super Rare $40

I will also trade for characters or art (although I'll be a little picky with art)
You can see my preferences in my favs. Any amount of slots or customs for anyone here
That being said please do not harass any of the owners for these characters

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

The species start off as wisps, unable to communicate with the world until they find a magic box. After entering the box they form a doll-like body, with fabric covering their arms & legs, along with adorable bunny ears and a sweet little ribbon tail that matches their box! The box is then bound to the ribbunny and also contains a room just for them. Their personalities often show through their gloves & boots but sometimes it will have the opposite effect. Other times it comes out random, usually when a wisp becomes too excited and enters a box before figuring out what they want to be, which results in whats basically like pressing a randomizer on character creation

Extra info:
Ribbunnies walk on their tip-toes
The tail ribbons can move! They mostly just wiggle when they're excited
Their bodies are hallow (no blood or organs), containing only the wisp they formed from