
Identity She/her, trans woman, omnisexual(?) (not solid in her orientation)

Age Late twenties to early thirties

Height 8’0”

Primary Abilities:  hydrokinesis, thermokinesis (of liquid)*

SecondaryAbilities: Cryokinesis, zoolingualism

Tertiary Abilities:  levitation, teleplaning* (*fan-power)

(Knows all common abilities due to being a prolific psychic villain)

Occupation: former; plumber, mechanic, current; psychic supervillain, C.R.I.M.E. agent

Voice ClaimBecky Todd- Utopia (UK)

Short Bio: 

Another villain agent of C.R.I.M.E, due to hydrokinetics being quite rare in her canon, she is also pretty well known. She’s mainly seen operating with Batty, and has a spitfire attitude when it comes to fighting. Generally she’s a pretty laid back dude, enjoying 60’s California surfer and beach chic. She loves all things ocean and beach related. She’s from Wales and was formerly a plumber and mechanic before her life of villainy.


  • Neil Cortez- boss (eventually ex-boss)

  • Minerva Doom- fellow agent 

  • Ant Shoebottom- fellow agent

  • Razputin Aquato- enemy?

  • Dr. Caligosto Loboto- friend/C.R.I.M.E affiliate

Likes/Interests: Surfing, the beach, cartoony robots, most sea creatures but especially eels and squids, her fellow C.R.I.M.E. Agents, beating people up

Dislikes: (wip)

Mind Level(s): (wip)

High-tide Schadenfreude-

Tumblr post

Theme/Soundtrack Inspiration:


  • Her middle name is Wendolyn
  •  Lover of all things strange sea creature. I’m talking squids and crustaceans and nautilus.
  • Basically only listens to “surf music”, loves The Beach Boys too
  • Excellent surfer
  • Knows English, welsh, and bsl
  • Hyrdrokinetics are rare, she’s the self proclaimed best hydrokinetic villain in the world. 

*Fan-power descriptions: 

Thermokinesis (of liquid)-

Pretty self explanatory, she is able to change the temperature of liquids, including boiling them or freezing them. Once they’re solid or has she can’t do much with them, except with cryokinesis for ice though.


An ability that skirts the edge of teleportation. Dematerializing partially in order to move quicker and outside the bounds of physics. Can be used to phase through certain materials as a sort of “walking through walls ability”. Teleplaning is performed when the user begins a teleportation, but moves in any direction quickly before cancelling the teleportation action. Phasing through objects in done by beginning the teleplane and only ending it until the are completely on the other side of the object. The name is a portmanteau of teleport and hydroplane, though tele- could also just mean from/at a distance. While performing this ability, the user will appear as a wisp of color that bounces about in an electricity-like manner. Dex’s for instance would appear black. It would be used in gameplay as some sort of advanced mix between a dodge roll that would happen a lot quicker and farther and levitation,. It would be able to move in any direction, including up as well as down when the gameplay would allow you to phase through the floor. Also it’s probably also illegal in a lot of places due to the fact that this can be used to bypass locked doors n such. It would mechanically allow character’s like Dex the ability to traverse hard platforming sections with out the explanation of acrobatics that Raz has.