✨ Clan Celeste - FAQ ✨



1 year, 10 months ago


Clan Celeste is the central clan in my fantasy-magical warrior cats AU.

Their clan works a little differently than canon warrior clans in terms of tradition, naming conventions, roles within the clan and so on.


Clan Celeste’s territory is mostly made up of meadow and some woodland, high up in what they call ‘The Starspun Hills’ In this AU, Clan Celeste lives on a continent where very few humans dwell, and so the cats of the clan do not run into twolegs often at all. However they are quite familiar with the other inhabitants of their corner of the world. This includes clans of fantasy creatures such as drakes, phoenixes and herds of wild unicorn. For more information on the clan’s neighbours, click here.

Naming Conventions:

Clan Celeste’s naming conventions differ from canon warrior cats’. As kits, they are given a single name (eg, Dawn, Moon, Heron, Star, Cloud) Note that the themes for these names are often celestial-based or animal-based.

From there, they begin training for their role within the clan from 6 moons old, and earn their full ‘true’ name once their training is complete. Training will take differing amounts of time depending on the role the cat is training for. Cats in training are known as apprentices in this AU also.

There are one of two forms of ‘true name’ an apprentice may earn at the end of their training. This can either be:

1. Verb-ing (name) - or - 2. (name) - Noun-er

Examples of the first type are: - Soaring Heron - Rising Dawn - Shining Star

Examples of the second type are: - Moonwatcher - Stargazer - Cloudwalker

Even once the cats earn their ‘true name’, members of their clan often continue to call each other by the shortened version, their given name.

Full names are often only used in formal settings, when introducing themselves to others from outside the clan, (or by the leader if someone is in trouble lol)