Beshil Spark


Basic Info

















Father: Unknown

Mother: Unknown

Siblings: Unknown

Extended Family: Unknown

Mate: Zeolite Goldclaw

Children: Valencia Goldclaw-Spark

Hook: Beshil knows and likes Hook, despite being mildly unapproving of his living occupation.

Malchar: Beshil traveled with Malchar for some time and has a good opinion of him.



History: Beshil was a creation by an elderly mage named Zairemin who wished for a companion. Zairemin was a slender yellow dragon who was one of the original non-native settlers of this universe. The world where Zairemin came from was one full of humans, a creature not native to this plane and when the magical refugees crossed over, they brought a new type of magic that revitalized the dying world. After bringing the refugees into the new world, Zairemin closed himself off from the world, much like Silas did after his mate, Adonia, died, and dedicated himself to discovering new magics beyond the powers innate to him.

True necromancers, who could bring back both spirit and body in perfect shape, were an extraordinarily rare group although Zairemin eventually learned how to summon spirits. With this knowledge, he began crafting a body in the shape of a Sima, one of the creatures that Zairemin had become obsessed with as their magic was so different from his. As he worked, Zairemen summoned spirits to determine which would be the best study companion for him. Finally, he summoned the spirit of Beshil.

Beshil had been a primal Sima from many thousands of years ago, who had lived and died during the time of Lillith's Fall. He had been resting peacefully since his death due to a fight over a female all those years and was shocked when he was thrust back into the world of the living, even if only temporarily. He was surprised to see how much the world had changed and had marveled over the changes, both physical and mental, to his species. Interested in exploring the world once again, he accepted the position of Zairemin's assistant and companion and, with the yellow dragon's new knowledge, was put into a metallic body that resembled the common Sima. As Beshil's spirit settled into the body, the body changed to become more realistic until it had magically changed to an organic being, capable of everything the modern Sima was able to do. For many years, the two worked together to decipher the secrets of magic until Zairemin's death from an unknown cause. While Beshil never confirmed it, he privately believed that the dragon had lost the will to live and passed away peacefully in his sleep. And so another founder was lost.

After Zairemin passed away, Beshil was struck with a sudden urge to go out into the world and see how much it had changed. While he had been surprised to see the physical changes reflected in his new metal body, he couldn't have been more surprised to see what society now looked like. When he emerged from the woods, he saw buildings, taller than any he had seen in his first life. Furless bipedal creatures that he recognized as humans walked beside bipedal animals who walked beside other animals. Simas walked paw-in-paw with Rainbow Paint Dires (he didn't know yet that they had evolved into Rainbow Paint Wolves), their ancient enemy while dragons flew overhead, a sight that barely elicited a blink or a sigh from those on the ground. But what surprised Beshil was most was the reception he was given. No one batted an eye to a metal automaton walking around. Everyone simply assumed that his ignorance of the world came from his "wild" background, a term he soon learned meant a life according to the old traditions or the lifestyle he had led in his first life.

Beshil decided to integrate himself into the world as best as he could and took lessons on the history of the world (he was saddened to learn that his tribe had likely died out a long time ago) as well as basic life skills such as driving an object called a "car," something which allowed those without wings to move quickly around the streets of the city or working at various jobs. The whole process of integrating himself took more than a decade and with each passing year, his life as a primal faded ever so slightly as his new reality set in. Now, Beshil works as a soldier who keeps the peace between various feral and wild groups, a job that carries far less risk than his original position all those years ago had. There are times when he wishes that Zairemin or his family could see his progress but Beshil takes comfort in knowing that one day, when he gets tired, he can simply step out of the body and return to the underworld. And there, he can tell his family about all that he has learned.

Pets: None



Jewel color: orange

Jewel type: basic