Taz Kelfir



1 year, 5 months ago


Basic Information

Full Name: Taz Kelfir

Nickname: Taz


Species: Drexel

Gender: Female

Height: 5’ 8”

Sexuality: Homosexial

Languages Spoken: 

Artistic Notes

Reference Sheet: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/48266682/

Physical Appearance: Thin, sickly, and horribly scarred. Being somewhat self conscious about her monstrous look Taz commonly wears long sleeves and scarves to cover up as many of the scars as possible. Her hair is permanently frizzed with a thin layer of static and can only be tamed with heavy product (which she refuses to use)







Cares little for others. “Survival of the fittest” mentality. No qualms with lying, stealing, or killing. But also like Hunter from Owl House she masks her IDGAF attitude with humor and an upbeat personality.





Sha’ir/Rogue multiclass. Lightning based abilities. Air elemental familiar. Familiar is named Rai




Mental Illnesses: 

Physical Illnesses: 




Born into the slums of Sharn, Taz has always had a bit of a rough start. With her father in debtors prison, it was always just her and her mother against the world. In the beginning, while clearly poor, their lives were somewhat manageable. Her mother worked in a factory and made just enough to pay their taxes and buy a few meals. For the first 7 years of Taz’s life they had a little run down house and enough food to keep them from starving.

While she had a poor start, this didn’t stop Taz from having a childhood just like any other. She never went to proper school, but every evening she and her mother would sit down and read books together at the local library. Most, if not all of her free time was spent there. Reading books, taking part in community activities, playing in the small front garden open to the public. On occasion the local school would bring students there on field trips, and when that happened Taz would play around with the other kids there as if she’d been a part of their group from the start. Making friends was never a difficult task.

Of course, being a lone kid with little supervision, Taz got into trouble quite often. Stealing money was a common activity. Weather it be pan handling or pickpocketing. It was never malicious in nature, though. Taz knew that money was tight and all she ever wanted to do was make it easier on her mother. If she could just get a couple extra gold maybe she could have a day off every now and then.

Then one day when Taz was almost 8 disaster struck. There was an accident at her mother’s factory. One of the conveyor belts they used needed repairs, and somehow it got turned on while her mother’s hand was still inside. Her hand was crushed, and with no money to afford any clerical help the wound was devastating. While she didn’t lose the hand, it no longer functioned. Needless to say, her job at the factory quickly came to a close as she could no longer preform the daily tasks her work demanded.

Life quickly took a turn for the worse. The family of two could no longer afford their little house. Eventually they resorted to selling it off to have enough in savings to afford food. That too ran out. Feeding a growing child costs more than one might think. Now Taz had no home, no food, and no money. Life was hell.

This resulted in Taz taking her thievery to the next level. Yes, her mother did try her damndest to find work, but with one hand that was nearly impossible. Taz didn’t want her to worry, so she had to start providing for herself. Stealing money, food, clothing, books, you name it. Anything to put less of a burden on her mother. But as a young child with no real concept of consequence, Taz’s thievery soon got her into trouble.

By the time Taz was 13 she’d learned about a local thieves guild. After spending many nights in the local jailhouse she’d gotten to talk to all sorts of shady folk, and many of them mentioned this place. Taz knew stealing was bad. She knew what she’d been doing was wrong, but in her mind it was justified. She and her mother would starve to death without money. It wasn’t fair she got fired for something out of her control. In her mind, if she joined this guild she’d be able to bring in more money for her and her mother. And with her mother doing odd jobs here and there as well they might one day have enough to get another house. Grandiose thinking, sure, but she was still just a child. Children tend to grandurize things.

Of course, this guild wanted absolutely nothing to do with her. Taz was a child, a very recognizable tiefling, and had history getting caught. Not the kind of person you want in a secret underground thieves guild. Most of the members shooed her away, but a few of them found her to be entertaining. The fact this random ratty child was so desperate to get accepted was amusing. She was someone who could be manipulated. So, at a certain point a couple members began to humor her with ridiculous quests to “prove her worth”.

These were always wild goose chases. “Go steal the ball of the scepter on the town hall wizard statue” or “pry the golden filigree off the mage tower”. Half the time what they asked of her wasn’t even possible, but boy did they have a laugh watching an uncoordinated 13 year old climb a 40 foot tall statue with the town guard laying in wait below. It was like watching a cat stuck in a tree with a pack of rabid wolves below her. The guild found these antics hilarious, and eventually Taz was unofficially accepted just for the laughs. Everyone knew she wasn’t actually a member, but everyone enjoyed watching her hopelessly run around the city doing quite literally any random task they asked of her.

While Taz was out running fools errands, her mother was off doing her own odd jobs. She had a knack for machinery despite only having one good hand, so she spent her time fixing fences, repairing water pipes, or polishing local warforged to make an extra coin. None of these jobs were lucrative, though. It was all the sort of thing a teenager would do as a summer job. Low pay, hard labour. Not worth it. The family was desperate. So desperate, in fact, that her mother took to doing some more… Unsavoury things to keep them afloat financially.

By the time Taz was 15 her mother had fallen ill. With what she didn’t know. Neither of them did, and without money they weren’t able to stop by a cleric to get her checked out. This mystery illness caused a persistent cough. Her mother was often winded and was unable to do the jobs she used to. Anything that involved hard labour was now impossible, as working too hard would cause a coughing fit. Trying to push past it wouldn’t help either. That only caused the cough to worsen until she began coughing up what the two assumed to be blood. It was for the best she didn’t strain herself, even if it did mean Taz had to pick up the slack.

Despite the hard times and dirty dealings, Taz and her mother were still extremely close. They were all each other had and the two would do anything to stay together. As the illness dragged on, Taz started taking on more and more work to help out. In addition to her normal thievery and random errands for the guild she also began picking up some of her mother’s odd jobs. She was getting worked to the bone, but it was all to help her mother. That would quickly come to an end, though.

It was late one eventing. Taz had just turned 16, and her mother was rapidly getting worse. Medicine was expensive, so Taz had been working extra hard to save as much money as she possibly could to help out. She was going to get her mother to a cleric, even if it killed her. But as much as she tried, her odd jobs just weren’t cutting it. She had to do something more grand. So, after talking to several of the guild members, Taz came up with a plan. All her theft up until this point had ben simple pickpocketing or sleight of hand. This time, she was going to go all out. A heist, of sorts. 

All of the family's strife started at that damn factory, so Taz decided she was going to sneak into the place and rob it. After all, she felt they still owed her mother for ruining their lives. The least they could do was pay them back, even if it wasn’t willingly. Of course, this ended poorly. Little did Taz know, this factory was ran by a fairly renowned artificer. They produced high value items and, as a result, had security measures far above the average shop. Taz was very quickly caught and arrested. This time she wasn’t just held overnight. This time, Taz got sent to a real jail.

In what may be the only stroke of luck in her life, Taz managed to escape a real sentence by the skin of her teeth. One thing the guild had taught her was the art of lying. The local guards knew they sent her on wild goose chases, so Taz told them that the guild had wanted her to break in to the factory for one of these tasks. She hadn’t actually stolen anything when she was caught, she just got caught trespassing, so her story checked out. After a week days of imprisonment she was let go with a simple fine for breaking and entering. And considering she never intended on paying this fine, she’d basically gotten off scott free. All was well for the next few hours. That is, until Taz returned home.

In the week she was gone her mother’s illness had taken a turn for the worse. Taz returned to the alleyway they often stayed in only to find it empty. Not a sign of her mother to be found. Actually, there was no sign the two had ever been there to begin with. While they may have been homeless, they still had a fair few belongings. A few backpacks full of blankets and food and whatever other odds and ends they collected over the years. Now there was nothing. Taz assumed her mother had moved. Perhaps she’d gone out looking for her, but that didn’t seem to be the case. Even after checking all their usual spots and talking to all their usual hires, no one had seen heads or tails of her mother.

With no other option, Taz returned to the guild to check in. She’d gotten arrested, after all. They had to know she’d been let go. More importantly, they had to know she hadn’t snitched. That was always the main concern when a member got arrested. Only this time when she stepped foot into the guild everyone looked a bit more… Somber. No one was talking to her and most wouldn’t even look her in the eye. When Taz started asking what was going on the only thing she was told was to go talk to the guildmaster.

The guildmaster was a human woman named Fane. She was known for being hardworking, strick, and loyal to a fault… Assuming you were on her good side. Taz was not, and things only got worse from here. As hard as Taz tried to keep her dealings with the guild secret, she simply couldn’t. Over the years her mother had picked up on her association with the place, and when she didn’t come home for over a week she’d apparently come here demanding answers. She was pale, weak, and coughing up a storm. From what Fane explained she could hardly understand her with how raspy her voice was. Her mother was dying, and Fane knew it.

So, Fane struck up a deal. See, once you’re in with a place like this you’re in for life. Anyone with any knowledge on the inner workings could be considered a threat. Drop a name or location of the guilds dealings and the watch would immediately storm in and destroy their entire operation. Taz’s mom knew something, but Fane didn’t know how much. And with her condition being what it was, well, there was no way in hell she’d be able to talk. Her voice was basically gone, and Fane didn’t want to deal with her bloody cough longer than she had to.

Taz was given a… Less than satisfactory explanation of what happened next. Her mother couldn’t stay in the guild, but they needed to keep an eye on her. No one there knew if what she had was contagious, and Taz wasn’t around to tell them it wasn’t. So Fane had arranged for her mother to stay in a “secure location”. She mentioned that her mother was getting treatment for this illness, but it was already too late. There was nothing anyone could do, and she’d died three days ago. Taz didn’t believe this. She didn’t believe any of it. She COULDN’T believe her mother was dead. Not without seeing proof. And if she WAS dead, she couldn’t believe Fane actually treated anything. If Fane had sent her away, she’d sent her to her death. This “secure location” would have just been a quiet and out of the way place for her mother to die.

This was unacceptable. Taz demanded proof. There had to be proof, but the only proof Fane could muster up were receipts for various potions and clerical expenses. Receipts that totaled well into the thousands. It was outrageous, and to top it all off because this was Taz’s mother Taz was the one forced to payout. There would be no other “proof” until Taz payed the guild back what she owed. Until then the location of where her mother died or where her body was would be kept secret. Needless to say, all of this destroyed Taz. Her mother was dead, she was thousands of gold in debt, and to top it all off she was now stuck in this hellhole of a city alone until it was all payed off. What the hell was she supposed to do? There was only really one option. Stay in the guild and work off her debt. Hopefully one day it’d be paid and she could leave this godforsaken city.

As the years went on Taz became more and more cold to the world. It was her only real defence. People can’t hurt you if you don’t care about anything. She continued to do jobs for the guild, but very soon came to learn it was a debt she’d never get out of. With each passing day the debts grew. Interest compounded, little mistakes piled up, random charges were added on. It was all bullshit, but Taz simply couldn’t dispute it. At a certain point the guild had gaslighted her into thinking all of these charges werfe legit. Taz had to bring in more money to make things work out. It got to the point she essentially became a slave to the guildmaster. Another cog in the machine. It pissed her off. 

At a certain point Taz decided this simply wasn’t worth it. Any hope that her mother may still be alive was shattered, and as much as she wanted to know what happened to her body it just didn’t matter anymore. She was dead. How would seeing her grave change anything? So, one day she decided to quit. No words said, no final exchange, nothing. Taz just slipped away one night, never to be seen again. At least, that was the plan. But the guild wasn’t stupid. They could tell she’d been acting off. They knew something was coming, so the night she left they had someone trail her.

It was a stormy night. Rain was pouring down hard and thunder was booming in the distance. Not the best night to be out and about, but that was the perfect cover. Hell, if she hadn’t been followed no one would have ever expected her to have tried leaving in this weather. But she was being followed, and after years of living amongst thieves Taz knew when she was being followed. Criminals always had to be on alert, otherwise they’d quickly be picked off by local guards. She picked up the pace, they followed, she ran, they ran. Soon enough Taz was booking it across the city’s bridges trying to lose her stalker. She almost managed to get away, but luck was not on her side that day.

In a last ditch attempt to escape Taz had climbed up onto the upper supports of the bridge to escape. These upper supports, coincidentally, also functioned as lightning rods. In what was quite possibly a one in a million shot, the second Taz got to the top of one of these rods lightning struck her down. The next thing she knew she was falling, and then everything went black.

When she awoke she was back in the guild. Everything hurt and her hair was still standing on edge with static. Looking down at her body Taz found it was covered with scars. Almost as if her veins had been run over with a tattoo gun. She could feel burns all over her back and down her arms, and the pain was so overwhelming she screamed out in agony. This alerted the rest of the guild she was awake. Needless to say, they were NOT happy. Apparently they thought she was dead. They wanted her dead. Taz was a traitor in their eyes. Someone in deep debt who could no longer be trusted. They wanted her dead, and by god they were going to make sure she was.

No one wants to die. Well, not like this. Taz begged and pleaded, but that did not stop the guild from wailing on her. She was so weak and injured that she couldn’t fight back. All she could do was sit and take the beating until her body eventually gave out. But it never did. After a good 30 or so seconds, someone struck her directly on the back of the neck. Right where she’d been struck. Taz screamed out in pain, and as she did several bolts of lightning shot out of her body and blew her assailants off her. Everyone staggered back several feet and no one knew how to respond. No one but the guildmaster.

Yes, they wanted her dead, but seeing this new power gave this horrible man an idea. The guild didn’t really have any sort of casters. None like this. They could really utilize Taz’s new abilities. So, a new deal was struck up. If Taz wanted to live, she’d do as they said. Magic or not, she knew there was no way out of this. So, she accepted.

That was back when Taz was 19. Now, at 21, her life has been more of the same. The past two years she’s been slowly learning how to utilize her new powers. It’s slow going, especially for someone who never had any formal education on magic. It’s just gotten to the point she’s able to cast a few cantrips and a spell or two consistently, but even then her magic is limited. But the guild keeps demanding more, so she has no choice but to continue to learn while doing their never ending bidding. Perhaps one day she’ll dig herself out of this hole, but for now she’s stuck in Sharn, living the life as a lowly thief.



Creation date: 


Voice Claim: 
