💘 || kirby (💘 || soul eater au)



Shoot me, pussy.
name kirby
age 17
gender demiboy
pronouns he/they
species demon weapon
orientation pan demisexual
Demeanor chaotic

code jiko


Kirby is a demon weapon with one mission only; to become a Death Scythe all by themself, without a meister. Not because he's that confident that they can. He doesn't believe in his abilities much at all. But he's too afraid to ask any meister to work with them, and he freezes up whenever approached.

pho, his flexibility, sunshine, blankets, his boyfriend, the color purple, spicy foods, alt fashion
Death the kid, grapefruits, pork, smoothies, bad people, ketchup, applesauce, oatmeal, yogurt with fruits in it

Polite Sassy
Cautious Impulsive
Social Reserved
Intelligence Ignorant
Emotional Rational
Productive Lazy

Kirby is a far more chaotic being than his first impressions will ever imply. Typically quiet and softspoken when confronted by strangers, they're a firecracker around the few friends they manage to keep. Although they have no issue with small conversations, he finds himself incredibly annoying, so they dont believe they can be worked with and tend to instead keep his mouth shut around people who aren't already used to it. Despite being somewhat shy, they enjoy spending time with others, often going out of their way to seek out his friends.

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Design Notes
  • pupils are catlike- typically slitted, but can grow larger if they're looking at something they like
  • no freckles in this au
  • hair is cut short
  • all of the zippers on their design- even the one on their pants -can be unzipped
  • his shirt is tight, besides the turtleneck part
  • they have two cuffs on their right ear
  • they're diagnosed with ADHD
  • he dislikes slimy, chunky textures, it gives him sensory issues
  • he has misophonia, and hates the sound of people whistling

Music Box
Insert the lyrics here
if you want...