


8 years, 7 months ago


So My male Birb his name is Theremin mainly because he doesn't speak just squawks and screeches and likes to make melodic like sounds with his screeching which sounds like the instrument: Creepy and at times annoying for others, great right?

He's mimicked the sound of it because of it's alluring sound and how he thinks it's weird. He finds odd things and even dead things interesting. In fact for a bird-like creature his collecting habit is still odd and he keeps things that have expired or died to keep their feathers or bones. He's fascinated with the concept and understanding of death and loves exploring cultures that embrace or celebrate them more.

Coming from a Mexican background himself he loves when the time comes around for celebrating or remembering those who came before. He feels a sense of connection to spirits or anything of an astral plane sorts and often leaves his physical body. Since he can't fly with his wings as small as they are whenever he does crossover to that other side he likes to imagine he's flying as high as he can imagine.